DLP-401 Andrea Introduced a generic mechanism to invoke pre-process checks before the deserialization of JSON objects Created pre-process components for Cargo and CargoPort objects. The following control are done when a Cargo is POST or PUT: For not lumpsum cargo: - Changing cargoQuantity in a cargoPort does not trigger any calculation on cargoQuantity of other cargoPort.
- The cargoQuantity at cargo level is calculated summing the cargoQuantity of loading ports
- it is not possible assign freightRate in both discharge and loading ports.
- The cargoQuantiy used for calculations are those in cargoPort, cargoQuantity at Cargo level is not used in calculations
- Freight and freightRate used for calculations are those in cargoPort,
- API will not use stowageFactor and weightFactor from commodity
For lumpsum cargo: - cargoQuantity and freightRate must be assigned at Cargo level