- Go to
Modules > Master Data > Trade Administration.
The Trade Administration window will open: Click Create New Route... A separate pop-up will open:
- Enter the route code under Route Code and click OK.
- The pop-up will close and another open:
- Enter a route descriptive name theunder Route Description and click OK. The pop-up will close and the new route will display in the left-hand menu tree and to the right, its fields will display.
Route PAC/FEWC (Pacific/Far East West Coast) - Enter the route year (if applicable) under Route Year.
- Enter the vessel type (if applicable) under Vessel Type.
- Click Refresh. A defined route can hold a number of legs (with patterns).A leg can be added to a route either by creating a new leg or adding an existing one (defined in another route).
- Add a leg either by
creating a new leg
- Click Create New Leg... A separate pop-up will open:
- Enter the leg code under Leg Code and click OK.
- The pop-up will close and another will open:
- Enter a leg descriptive name theunder Leg Description and click OK.
- The pop-up will close and the Create New Leg dialog box will open:
Leg FEWC-BC/USWC 5 (Far East West Coast-British Columbia/United States West Coast) - Enter default operator (if applicable) under Operator.
- Enter the leg's pattern/s in the diaolgue box's lower field, i.e. enter the port calls one after the other to be made as part of the leg.
Note: There can be several patterns for the same leg, for example, one for summer, one for winter, etc. - To create a pattern:
- Click Create New Pattern... A separate pop-up will open:
- Enter the pattern code under Pattern Code (max. eight characters).
- The pop-up will close and another will open:
- Enter a pattern descriptive name theunder Pattern Description and click OK. The pop-up will close and the new pattern will display as a row in the Create New Leg dialog box.
Pattern FEWC-BC/USWC2 (Far East West Coast-British Columbia/United States West Coast) - To create pattern trade ports, click the pattern to be edited in the Create New Leg dialog box - it will highlight.
Note: This need not be done if there is only one pattern - it will automatically be highlighted. - Click Edit Pattern... and the Edit Pattern dialog box will open (the Create New Leg dialog box remains open).
Example: - Enter either
- the default agent (if applicable) under Default Agent or
- click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of input values will open. Select field and click OK.
- Enter default DO Price (if applicable) under DO Price.
- Enter default FO Price (if applicable) under FO Price.
- Click Create New Trade Port... to add ports. A separate pop-up will open:
- Enter the port sequence number under Sequence No. and click OK. The pop-up will close and an empty port row except for its sequence number will display in the Edit Pattern dialog box.
- Click the Port Name field of the row and either
- enter the port name or
- click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of ports will open. Select port and click OK.
- Repeat process entering relevant data in each respective row field (as applicable) except the Sequence No. field.
Example: - Click Close. The Edit Pattern dialog box will close and trade ports of the pattern have been saved. The Create New Leg dialog box is again available to create additional patterns and trade ports.
- In the Create New Leg dialog box, click Close once all patterns (with ports) have been entered. The dialog box will close and a separate pop-up will open asking to confirm adding the newly created leg to the route.
- Click Yes. The pop-up will close and and another will open:
- Enter the leg's sequence number under Sequence No and click OK. The pop-up will close and the leg display as a row in the route's lower right-hand field.
- Click Refresh. The module will refresh and the entered leg and patterns will also be visible in the left-hand menu tree.
- Click Create New Pattern... A separate pop-up will open:
or by adding an exisiting leg
- Click Add Leg... A pop-up with a list of legs will open. Select field and click OK.
Example: - The pop-up will close and another open:
- Enter the leg's sequence number under Sequence No and click OK. The pop-up will close and the added leg display as a row in the route's lower right-hand field. The added leg will already have patterns (with) which were added when the leg was initially created.
- Add a leg either by