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Good morning,



Is it possible to add dry dock/offhire between voyages in the system and cannot find out how to do this? Need clarification in order to freeze the next fixtures.

Thanks in advance.


Step-by-step guide



Hi Alina,

You create a voyage the usual way, but skip filling in the Cargo details. Go to the Cargoes section on the right hand side and Delete / Remove the cargo line which is there by default. Then, in the Port Rotation (upper right side of the screen), add a drydock port manually. Then freeze.

Regards Erik


Hei Erik,

Ref korrespondanse tidligere i dag,Dataloy VMS?


Yes, it possible to add dry dock/offhire between voyages in Dataloy VMS.

 add a drydock port manually. Then freeze.


To add dock/offhire between voyages:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate.
  2. Create a voyage as per usual in the Main Calculations field except for the Cargo Details section.
  3. Go to the Cargoes field at the middle right-hand side and remove the by default highlighted existing cargo line.
  4. Go to the Port Rotation field at the upper right-hand side.
  5. Click Insert and from the menu select appropriate option.
  6. The Please Select a Port to Insert will open.
  7. Either
  8. enter applicatble port under Port Name or
  9. click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of ports opens. Select port and click OK.
  10. Either
  11. enter Dry Dock (DD) under Reason for Call or
    Note: Will by default state LOADING (L).
  12. click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of reason for calls opens. Select Dry Dock (DD) and click OK.
  13. Click OK in the The Please Select a Port to Insert. The pop-up will close and the added dry dock port will display as a row in the Port Rotation field.
  14. Freeze the voyage.

Dersom vii legger inn dry dock som en separat reise, vil den da stå som off hire? Ideelt sett skulle vi lagt inn dry dock som en del av en eksisterende reise, men gjeldende som off hire slik at tid, bunkers og ballast ikke slår inn i regnestykket. Det blir vel ikke riktig å legge alt dette inn som en separat reise?


Dersom dere vil ha det som en del av "vanlig" reise så legger dere til en havn på slutten av reisen. I tillegg må dere da også huske å legge inn en offhire record (dette skjer IKKE automatisk). Det gjøres ved å klikke "Offhire" knappen øverst til venstre i Booking and Operations etter å ha valgt riktig reise.

Hilsen Erik


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