21. June 2016
With great pleasure Dataloy presents API 3.1
Issues resolved - listed by user story
Highlights of this Release:
Highlights of Dataloy API 3.1
Possibility to extend the returned fields of a given end-point asking for each sub-object to return its "default" view. This can be done specifying in the JSON message of the "fields" property to attach to the HTTP header the property "all":"*".
For example with the following JSON attached to the VoyageHeader end-point:
{ "company":{ "companyCurrency":"*" }, "voyage":{ "all":"*", "portCalls":{ "all":"*" } } }
it will return:
the companyCurrency attribute of the company of the VoyageHeader, attribute normally not returned from the VoyageHeader end-point
the default view attributes of voyage and portCall objects
DLP-366 and DLP-369 Andrea
DLP-401 Andrea
DLP-411 Andrea