Update Port Call Data. This applies to all VRS reports

  1. IF Arrival Report

    1. Update the following data for port call from the IF Arrival OR Noon Report: DistanceActual, DaysStoppages, FoRobArrival, DoRobArrival, FlRobArrival, DlRobArrival
  2. IF Departure Report
    1. Update the following data for port call from Locate Previous Non-Redelivery Port Call but has Port not Equal to Located Port Call in Step 1, Step 2b: 
      FoRobDeparture, DoRobDeparture, FlRobDeparture, DlRobDeparture, FoBunkered, FlBunkered, DoBunkered, DlBunkered.

Update Arrival, Berthing , Departure - The Fixed Flag Behind Arrival, Berthing and Departure will Automatically be Set to True if Updated Date is in the Past.

  1. IF Departure Report
    1. Update the departure date for departure port call and arrival date for arrival port call.
    2. Ensure that the departure fixed flagg is always set to true, even when the departure date is in the future.
  2. IF Noon, Arrival or In Port Report
    1. Update the arrival and berthing date for the port call located in the IF Noon, Arrival OR In Port Report, Step 2b.
    2. Update the departure date for the port call located in the IF Noon, Arrival OR In Port Report, Step 2a.
    3. Ensure that the departure fixed flag is never set to true, even when the departure date is in the past.