Dataloy API 3.4 Release Notes
Dataloy API 3.4 Release Notes
05. May 2017
Dataloy presents API 3.4
- [DLP-707] - As an API user, I want to GET, PUT and POST TC Rates and TC Durations on the TC resource, so that I don't have to make several calls
- Expose rate and duration on timecharter resource - [DLP-721] - As an API user, I want the creator of an object to be stored as "created by", so that I get correct audit log
- [DLP-787] - As an API user, I want scrubberFittedMe to be accessible from the Vessel resource, so that I can GET, PUT and POST this field
- [DLP-682] - User password should be hashed when updated via API
- [DLP-753] - Sub-objects sometime show up short, causing the resource to lack data
- [DLP-761] - RestClient throws an exception if the HTTP response code from the server is not equal to 200.
- [DLP-782] - Remove WebhookSubscription from WebhookSubscriptionManagement when a subscription is deleted or deactivated
- [DLP-785] - During sending webhook notifications user is not correct because the class is running in a separate thread.
Platform Story
[DLP-528] - As software architect I want to limit the history period of the objectChanges endpoint- [DLP-709] - As Angular Dataloy app I do not want get HTTP 401 when user name and/or password are wrong
- [DLP-711] - As IT Architect I want to check the URL of the client from the HttpServletRequest if X-Forwarded-For is not set to see if the request come from Oracle server
- [DLP-778] - As a VRS user, I want the ETA to be updated when receiving vessel reports even if setting for turning off ETB and ETD updates is turned on, so that I can have better accuracy of my schedule
- [DLP-755] - Delete rows in TBL_DB_OBJECT_ACTIVITY not connected to TBL_WEBHOOK_NOTIFICATION and older than one month. On startup and every day.
Platform Bug
- [DLP-702] - Wrong size of terms field on some cargos when updating laycan through FAS
- [DLP-720] - Problem with DDT sessions if the user does not log-out properly
- [DLP-758] - If a DDT user is logged inn via VMS, user is logged out after 8 hours instead of 1
, multiple selections available,
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