Estimating Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel Oil in ECA

Some vessels burn "Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel Oil" inside (S)ECA areas in stead of MGO / Low Sulphur Diesel.

It is in the VMS possible to configure this on a vessel level, indicating that a vessel should estimate Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (FOLS) inside ECA area in stead of the default Low Sulphur Diesel (DOLS).

Configuration Steps:

  1. Find the vessel in question in the Vessel Administration module
  2. Open the "Internal Data" tab. (If disabled click "Create Internal Data" button to create, and enable)
  3. Tick the "Estimate FOLS in ECA" checkbox and save the configuration.

Any updated or new calculations on the configured will estimate FOLS in ECA.


Sailing In ECA