Possible to Change a Voyage Charter (VC) to Time Charter (TC)?


Is it possible to change a Voyage Charter (VC) to Time Charter (TC) ?


No it is not possible to change a VC into a TC. The voyage needs to be deleted and a new one created.
Note: Once a voyage has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

To delete a frozen voyage:

  1. Go to Modules > Booking and Operations > Booking and Operations.
  2. Select applicable vessel from the Vessel List. Its voyages will display.
  3. Open applicable voyage.
  4. Go to the Voyage Menu and select Un-freeze...
  5. The Un-freeze Voyage - Please Select an Option pop-up will open.
  6. To delete the voyage select Dispose operational/ actual data and click OK.
  7. The pop-up will close and the voyage unfrozen and deleted in one step.
    Note: When unfreezing a voyage the initial, preliminary estimate will not be deleted, but a user will be automatically transferred to this screen. This is a feature to allow potential changes and a possibility to freeze the voyage again.
  8. To delete the un-frozen voyage:

    1. Click the voyage in the Voyage List in the Booking and Operations module.Go to the Voyage Menu and select Delete.

    2. The voyage will be deleted and the system update.