Starting Dataloy VMS in Internet Explorer?


When starting Dataloy VMS in Internet Explorer a message pops up similar to this: "Do you want to open or save client.jsp...". What steps should be taken to open the system?


To start Dataloy VMS follow the below instructions:

To start Dataloy VMS:

  1. Start Dataloy VMS in Internet Explorer.
  2. A pop-up bar a the bottom of the screen will display stating "Do you want to open or save client.jsp..." or similar.
  3. Click Save in the pop-up bar. The Dataly VMS file will download.
    Once the file is downloaded a message will state that the download is complete.  
  4. Click either
    1. Open folder or
    2. open the downloads folder on your computer and locate the downloaded file (i.e. client.jsp).
  5. Right-click on the file and select Open with.
  6. Locate the Java installation on your computer.
  7. Select javaws as the default program (location: the bin folder of the Java installation: C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/javaws).
  8. Click OK. Dataloy VMS will start.