Voyage Menu

Voyage Menu

Short Description

The Voyage Menu contains several features designed to simplify navigation and ease of use and functions to further improve accuracy and effectiveness of a calculation. The functions and features applies to both Voyage Charter and Time Charter calculations.

There menu consists of the following options:

Location:  Modules > Voyage Estimate > Voyage Menu.


Long Description 

New Voyage Charter

Opens a new (blank) Voyage Charter calculation.

Open a New Voyage Charter Calculation:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Either 
    1. click New Voyage Charter

    2. or go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select New Voyage Charter.

  3. A blank Voyage Charter calculation window will display.

New Time Charter Out

Opens a new (blank) Time Charter Out calculationMore information, go to Time Charter

Open a New Time Charter Out Calculation:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Either 
    1. click New Time Charter Out

    2. or go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select New Time Charter Out.

  3. A blank Time Charter Out calculation window will display.



Duplicates an open Voyage Charter or Time Charter Out Estimate.

Duplicate an Estimate:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Open the voyage charter/time charter out calculation to be duplicated. Its fields will display.
  3. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Duplicate.

  4. The duplicated calculation will display - only difference will be the unique calculation number in the browser tab.



Deletes an open calculation Voyage Charter or Time Charter Out estimate. Will deactivate if opened estimate is a fixture (cannot be deleted).

Delete an Estimate:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Open the voyage charter/time charter out calculation to be deleted. Its fields will display.
  3. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Delete.

  4. A pop-up opens asking to confirm deletion.
  5. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the estimate is deleted.



The Freeze... option used to is freeze an estimate and turn it into an Actual Voyage (or fixture). If the opened voyage is a fixture, function will be deactivated and replaced with Unfreeze....To freeze an estimate, go to Turn a voyage calculation into an Actual Voyage.



Scheduling a voyage enables the option to work with a specific estimate from the Booking and Operations module without freezing the estimate. This option is useful for example if a vessel is idle and actual data needs to be updated whilst the voyage remains in estimate mode. There are four options of scheduling. A voyage can be scheduled directly under the Actual section of the Booking and Operations module, or continue working on the voyage under either the Budget, Estimate or Unallocated Voyage sections. - go to Booking and Operations.


Add to COA Planner...

The Add to COA Planner... option is used for moving a voyage calculation to the COA Planner (Contracts of Affreightment Planner). Once moved, the calculation becomes a model voyage (sometimes referred to as “TCalc” as once the move is made the voyage status indicator in Voyage Estimate changes from solid green to “T with purple background"). Applicable for voyage charter estimates ONLY, if opened voyage is a fixture, function will be deactivated. To move a voyage calculation to the COA Planner, go to COA Planner.


Open Snapshot...

The Open Snapshots... option provides the possibility to open previously created snapshots of both Voyage Charter and Time Charter fixture voyages (Adjusted Calculation ONLY). Can be opened irrelevant what type (i.e. estimate or fixture) of calculation is currently opened.

Open a Snapshot:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Open Snapshot....

  3. The Select a Voyage Snapshot pop-up opens with a list of available snapshots opens. Select applicable snapshot and click OK

  4. The pop-up will close and selected snapshot will open in the browser window.


Create Snapshot...

The Create Snapshot... option creates a snapshot documenting a calculation at the time of the snapshot. ONLY activates for Adjusted Calculations of Actual Voyages (or fixtures) - is otherwise deactivated. Snapshot can be created, named and saved of any voyage estimate at any point in time. Snapshots can easily be opened again at a later point in time.

Create a Snapshot:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Open the adjusted calculation of the fixture to create a snapshot of. Its fields will display.
  3. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Create Snapshot....

  4. The Voyage Snapshot pop-up opens.

  5. Enter snapshot name/description under Description.
  6. Click Create. The pop-up will close and another open advising that a snapshot has been created.

  7. Click OK. The pop-up will close and the created snapshot is saved/stored as a full voyage estimate and can be retrieved any time using the Open Snapshot... option (see above).


Preliminary <-> Adjusted

The Preliminary <-> Adjusted option provides the possibility to toggle between the preliminary and adjusted calculations of an Actual Voyage (or fixture). Applicable for Actual Voyages (or fixturesONLY.

Toggle View a Fixture's Preliminary and Adjusted Calculations:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Open the voyage fixture (preliminary or adjusted calculation) to be toggle viewed. Its fields will display.
  3. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Preliminary <-> Adjusted.

  4. The other fixture calculation will display, i.e. if the preliminary calculation was opened first, the adjusted calculation will now display (and vice versa).
  5. To revert to previous calculation type - Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Preliminary <-> Adjusted.


Booking & Operations

Opens the voyage in the Booking and Operations module in a separate tab. Applicable for Actual Voyages (or fixtures) ONLY.

Open a Frozen Voyage in Booking and Operations:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Open the frozen voyage to be opened in the Booking and Operations module. Its fields will display.
  3. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Booking & Operations.

  4. The frozen voyage will open in the Booking and Operations module in a separate tab.

Charter Parties...

The Charter Parties... feature enables a user to open the contract(s) behind one or more cargoes listed. Applicable for Actual Voyages (or fixturesONLY. Using the displayed screen, the user can review and Assign/Un-assign cargoes to one or multiple charter parties. This is required to perform a Laytime Calculation. In case of a single cargo contract, a charter party is automatically created by the system.


Print Voyage

The (Print) Voyage option generates a report (or voyage printout) of the current status of a voyage calculation (estimate or fixture). It can be run at any time. 

Generate a Voyage Printout:

  1. Open the voyage charter calculation to run a voyage printout on. Its fields will display.
  2. Either

    1.  click Print and from the drop-down select Voyage

    2. or go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Voyage (with the printer icon in front).

    3.  A voyage printout will generate and display as an electronic printout in PDF-format (separate window).



Post Voyage Analysis

The Post Voyage Analysis option generates a Post VC Voyage Analysis report (.i.e. either a Preliminary Report displaying all initial estimates or an Adjusted Report showing a breakdown of all actual results of a voyage upon voyage completion depending on if the report is run on a frozen voyage's preliminary or adjusted calculation). The reports can be run at any time during a voyage and will then display the most current and up-to-date results at the time. Applicable for Actual Voyages (or fixturesONLY - option is other wise deactivated. To generate a post voyage analysis, go to Post Voyage Analysis.


Remarks and Attachments...

The Remarks and Attachments... feature enables various remarks and attachments to be added to a calculation. The entered remarks and attached information is stored in the Remarks and attachments... feature and are for informative purposes ONLY. Note: No attachments can be added without a remark. There are two methods of utilising the feature either by entering a remark and/or attachment to:

  1. The entire calculation (no indication that remark/attachment have been entered will show in calculation interface) or 
  2. To one or several particular port/cargo/various cost/revenue record/s in the Ports (or Port Rotation), Cargoes, Various Cost/Revenue and Cargo Ports fields respectively, (indication will show beside relevant port/cargo if remark and/or attachment has been added). 
    Note: If a remark is added, the record field will change colour to orange, if both remark and attachment is added the record field will both turn orange and display a paperclip symbol.


    No remark/attachment    
                Remark added to record             Remark and attachment added to record.


Add a Remark and/or Attachment From the Voyage Menu:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
  2. Open the calculation (voyage or time charter) to add a remark and/or attachment to. Its fields will display.
  3. Either
    1. go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Remarks and Attachments... to add remark/attachment for the entire calculation
    2. or click the most right-hand field of the record to add a remark/attachment to.

  4. The Remarks and Attachments... dialogue box opens.
    Note: If no previous remarks have been entered, a two field view will display. The attachment field is by default disabled. Activates once a remark is entered.
  5. Click Create New. The layout will change, splitting in three, an upper field for listing of remarks, a middle where remarks are displayed and the lower for adding and listing attachments. 
  6. Enter the subject name under Title/Subject.   
  7. Enter remark in the Remark field below.
  8. Click Save. A new row will display in the top field stating date entered, remark subject name, name of creator. A remark has been added and the attachment field will activate.


  9. Add an Attachment (if no attachments are to be added - close the dialogue box): 
    1. Click the remark to add an attachment to – it will highlight.
    2. In the attachment field click Add.
    3. From the pop-up that will open locate and select item to be added.
    4. Click Open. The pop-up will close and the attached item display as a row in the attachment stating name, size and date attached. It is now saved against the remark.


Edit/Delete a Remark:

  1. Edit a remark:
    1. Go to Modules > Voyage EstimateThe Voyage Estimate window opens.
    2. Open the Remarks and Attachments... dialogue box to be edited (calculation or applicable record).
    3. Edit as appropriate the fields displayed.
    4. All changes auto-save.
  2. Delete a Voyage Calculation:
    1. Go to Modules > Voyage EstimateThe Voyage Estimate window opens.
    2. Open the Remarks and Attachments... dialogue box to be edited (calculation or applicable record).
    3. Click the remark to be deleted - it will highlight.
    4. Click RemoveA pop-up opens asking to confirm deletion.
    5. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected scheduled voyage delete.

  3. Delete an Attachment:

    1. Go to Modules > Voyage EstimateThe Voyage Estimate window opens.

    2. Open the Remarks and Attachments... dialogue box to be edited (calculation or applicable record). 
    3. Click the remark with the attachment to be deleted - it will highlight. 
    4. Click the attachment to be deleted - it will highlight. 
    5. Click Delete. A pop-up opens asking to confirm deletion. 
    6. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected scheduled voyage delete.


Detailed Voyage Audit Log...

The Detailed Voyage Audit Log... registers and presents all changes made to an opened voyage, including what was changed, by whom, when, etc. The audit log is automatically and continuously updated and the details presented are for informative purposes ONLY and in read-only format.

Open the detailed voyage audit log for the voyage estimate module:

  1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. The Voyage Estimate window opens.
    Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
  2. Open the calculation (voyage or time charter) to check audit log for. Its fields will display.
  3. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Detailed Voyage Audit Log....

  4. The Voyage Audit Log dialogue box opens and presents all registered changes, etc.




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