Features for Voyage- and Time Charter

Short Description

The two main charter party types of the Voyage Estimate are Voyage Charter and Time Charter. Each type have their own specific interface, functions and features. Certain functions and features are, however, applicable to both charter party types. 

  • The Post Voyage Analysis tool in Dataloy VMS generates a report displaying a detailed analysis of the Adjusted Calculation (i.e. a full break-down and performance evaluation of a completed voyage of for example consumption, distance, time, speed, emissions, etc.) including a comparison with the Preliminary Calculation (original estimate)
  • The Routing Points, Canals, Piracy Routing Lists page lists the most common routing points, all in Dataloy VMS available canals and the piracy routing points that must be entered manually.
  • The Voyage Menu contains several features designed to simplify navigation and ease of use and functions to further improve accuracy and effectiveness of a calculation.
  • The Emission Controlled Areas (ECA) and Bunker Consumption Estimation page contains important information regarding bunker estimation in Emission Controlled Areas (ECAs).

Long Description


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