Voyage Estimate

Voyage Estimate

Short Description

The Voyage Estimate module is a versatile, single interface voyage calculator, able to perform an unlimited number of quick, accurate, simple or complex charter party calculations (or estimates). The module allows for the calculation and automatic analysis of potential revenues and cost for any combinations of for example vessels, cargoes (or parcels), ports, loads, discharges, terms, freight rates, relets, etc.

The main charter party types exist:

  • Voyage Charter:
    • The hire contract for a vessel for one or a specified number of voyages to carry specified cargo/es at stipulated freight rates (or lumpsums) between designated load and discharge ports and/or regions. The Vessel Owner will pay port charges and for the operation of the vessel whilst the Charterer pays freight passed on vessel capacity or cargo loaded.
  • Time Charter:
    • Two types: A Time Charter (TC) In is the hire of a vessel for a specified period of time, whilst a TC Out Contract handles the letting of a vessel for a particular time period. Under both, the Charterer will decide route and ports, pay a daily hire, all port charges and fuel consumption whilst the Vessel Owner remains in control of the vessel.

The Voyage Estimate module provides different interfaces for Voyage Charter (VC) and Time Charter (TC) calculations (or estimates) respectively, each interface specifically designed for their assigned purpose. Each calculation is identified by a unique number and can be shared, copied and if needed, retrieved at a later date. Each calculation can, however, only be edited by the user who initiated them. The estimates are auto-saved and several can be open in different tabs simultaneously at any one time. All estimates can be frozen and transferred to the Bookings & Operations module for execution, thereby becoming Actual Voyages (or fixtures). Note: It is not possible to change a Voyage Charter (VC) into a Time Charter (TC) or vice versa. In such cases, the initial voyage needs to be deleted and a new correct one entered.

Also, a voyage will NOT reflect the running cost of a vessel entered in the Vessel Administration module if the default value was entered/changed after voyage creation or if the vessel is on time charter (TC) with a TC Ín contract entered in on (or more) of the Contract Management modules.

Performing voyage estimate calculations requires the entry of the Master Data prerequisite:

To enhance the versatility and accuracy of the module it is recommended to complete the modules:

Location: Modules > Voyage Estimate

Long Description

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