Why do the Voyage Operator not Change?

Why do the Voyage Operator not Change?


Why do the Voyage Operator not change in a vessel's voyages in Booking and Operations > Voyage List tab after being changed in Vessel Administration > Internal Data?


The Vessel Operator is by default the voyage operator for the specific vessel. When a new voyage is created the new vessel operator will be the voyage operator for voyage moving forward. However, previous voyages will not change as the new vessel operator was not the vessel/voyage operator for the vessel during the older voyages. It is, however, possible to manually alter the voyage operator of older voyages directly in the Booking and Operations module.

To manually change voyage operator:

  1. Go to Modules > Booking and Operations > Booking and Operations. The Booking and Operations window will open.
  2. Click applicable vessel in the By Vessel Tab (left-hand field) - it will highlight - it's details display will display in the right-hand and lower fields.
  3. In the right-hand Voyage List tab all the vessel's voyages are listed - the most recent by default at the top.

  4. In the Voyage List field click applicable voyage to change operator for - it will highlight and its details display.

  5. In the voyage's Operator Responsible column field enter applicable operator.

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