Area Administration

Area Administration

Short Description

The Area Administration module allows users to define an unlimited number of various categories (or groupings) of user defined geographical areas for different purposes, for example War Risk areas, Bunker areas, Fleet areas, etc. The module is divided into three sections, Area Reports, Areas and Locations (or Geonames).

All subject groupings are entered and defined under Area Reports. Each grouping is identified by a unique code and name and can hold a number of areas. The unique code is used both as a short name and in report logic, i.e. once created, area report group codes should not be changed – it can break report logic. An Area is a user defined categorisation of main geographical areas, for example, continents, oceans, etc. Each area is identified by a unique code and can hold number of geographical locations.

A geographical location (or geonames) is a sub-category of Areas and the most detailed level of area categorisation. The locations are predefined, (i.e. “fixed", comes with the system), maintained by Dataloy and grouped by geographical areas, ocean and administrative area (or countries). The contents of each grouping is listed alphabetically. Some geographical areas listed under as locations, such as countries, continents and ocean areas, are hierarchical, for example, adding a country to the custom area will automatically add all ports and locations listed under the selected country. The module also allows for the exclusion of locations from an area, for example, if a country has been added but one of its ports is to be excluded, add the port separately and check the Exclude box.

The module also provides a list of all available ports under the Port Areas tab. The ports are by default categorised according to entered area report code and description, port name, area code and description. The Port Areas tab can be refreshed at any time to get the most updated list of available ports in the system. However, this update may take some time - a pop-up will show when update is complete. During the update work in other modules is possible.

The information available in the Area Administration module is mostly used when running reports.

Location: Modules > Master Data > Area Administration


Long Description

To Add an Area Grouping

  1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Area Administration. The Area Administration window opens.
  2. Click Create New. A new row displays in the Area Reports field.


  3. Click the area report code field and enter the area grouping code (max. three characters) under Area Report Code (RED marking = required field).
  4. Tab to/click the area report name field and enter the area grouping name (max. three characters) under Area Report Name. A new area report group is created.
    Note: At least one area report group is required to activate the Area field.

  5. An area report grouping can hold a number user defined geographical areas. An area can be added either by creating a new or by adding an already existing one (areas defined in area report can be added to other area reports).
    1. Add either by
      1. creating a new area:
        1. Click the area report to add an area to.
        2. Click Create New in the Area field. A new row displays in the Area field.


        3. Click the area code field and enter the area code under Area Code.
        4. Tab to/click the area description field and enter the area name/description under Area Description. A new area is created.
        5. Go to Step 6.
      2. or by adding an existing area:
        1. Click the area report to add an area to.
        2. Click Add Area... in the Area field. A pop-up with a list of areas opens. Select field and click OK.


        3. The selected input value will display as a new row in the Area field. Go to Step 6.
    2. To edit an area: Click the row to be edited and edit.
    3. To remove an area:
      1. Click the area to be removed - it will highlight.
      2. Click Remove. A pop-up opens asking to confirm removal.

      3. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected row is removed.

  6. An area can hold a number geographical locations. Add the appropriate locations to each area.
    1. To add a location:
      1. Click the area to add locations to.
      2. Click the selected location in the left-hand menu tree of the Locations section - it will highlight. The add-to-area arrow button next to the menu tree will activate.
      3. Click the add-to-area arrow button to add the selected location to the area. The location appears as a row in the right-hand field. The field lists all locations added to a selected area.


    2. To exclude a location:
      Note: This option is open when a location area has been added containing a location to be excluded, for example, a country has been added but one (or more) of its port is to be excluded.
      1. Click the location to be excluded in the left-hand menu tree - it will highlight.
      2. Click the add-to-area arrow button adding it separately to the area. It appears - highlighted - as a row in the right-hand field.
      3. Check the Exclude box in the location's row. The location has been excluded from the area.


        The country Nigeria (including all its ports and regions) has been added to the area, but the Nigerian port of Lagos has been excluded.

    3. To remove a location:
      1. Click the location to be removed in the right-hand field - it will highlight.
      2. Click the remove (trashcan) button to the left. A pop-up opens asking to confirm removal.


      3. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected row is removed.

Edit an Area Report

  1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Area Administration. The Area Administration window opens.
  2. Click area report row to be edited in the Area Report field - it will highlight.
  3. Click the row section to be edited and edit.

Delete/Undelete an Area Report

  1. To Soft-Delete an Area Report:
    1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Area Administration. The Area Administration window opens.
    2. Click area report row to be deleted in the Area Report field - it will highlight.
    3. Click Delete. The selected row is soft-deleted only - and remains visible in the Area Report field.
  2. To Undelete an Area Report:
    1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Area Administration. The Area Administration window opens.
    2. Go to the Deleted tab.
    3. Click the soft-deleted area report row to be restored.
    4. Click Undelete. The row is move from the Deleted tab to the active Area Administration module.


  3. To Permanently Delete an Area Report:
    1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Area Administration. The Area Administration window will open.
    2. Soft-delete the area report to be permanently deleted.
    3. Click the Deleted tab. It will display showing all soft deleted area report rows.
    4. Click the area report row to be deleted - it will highlight.


    5. Click Delete Permanently. A pop-up opens asking to confirm deletion.
    6. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected row delete (in both the Active and Deleted tabs).


Refresh Port Areas Table

  1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Area Administration. The Area Administration window opens.
  2. Click the Port Areas tab. The Port Areas tab displays.


  3. Enter the number of records to be refreshed under Max records listed.
    Note: An unlimited number may be entered - but defaults to the first 300 each time the tab is opened. 


  4. Click Refresh Port Areas.

  5. A pop-up opens advising that port areas table will be refreshed.
    Note: This may take some time and continuous work on other modules may proceed.

  6. Click OK. The pop-up will close and refreshment of port areas table commence illustrated by the bar moving sideways at the bottom of the screen.


  7. Once refreshed, the Refreshed Port Areas pop-up opens advising the Port Areas tab has been refreshed.

  8. Click OK. The pop-up will close and the table has been refreshed.


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