Short Description
The Laytime Calculation (LC) module contains several features designed to simplify navigation and ease of use and functions to further improve accuracy and effectiveness of a calculation, for example provisional estimate for demurrage and despatch, laytime quantity option, event matrix, etc. The functions and features are mainly located in the menus, toolbar and buttons.
Provisional Estimate for Demurrage and Despatch: Sometimes, before sufficient details about port calls and events have been received to make a full laytime calculation, it might become necessary to make a provisional estimate in the Laytime Calculation for either demurrage or despatch to make the Voyage Estimate and result as realistic as possible.Anchor ff1 ff1
To make
Make a provisional estimate:Open relevant voyage and locate relevant port to make the provisional calculation for.
In the Cargo field:
Check Fixed beside demurrage and/or despatch (depending on what is being calculated) field/s in the cargo row field.
Note: This will lock estimated amounts and prevent demurrage/despatch from being recalculated when Recalculate is clicked.Enter the total demurrage (if any) under Demurrage.
Enter the total despatch (if any) under Despatch (if any).
- In the Cargo Port field:
- Enter the demurrage details by port in the cargo port row under the Demurrage column.
Note: Does not automatically accumulate. For information purposes ONLY.
- Enter the demurrage details by port in the cargo port row under the Demurrage column.
- Enter the despatch details by port in the cargo port row under the Despatch column..
Note: Does not automatically accumulate. For information purposes ONLY. - Click Recalculate.
- The provisional estimate is be calculated and appropriate fields in the Voyage Estimate module are automatically updated with the Laytime Calculations module each time a calculation is refreshed and recalculated, i.e. each time Recalculate is clicked.
Laytime Quantity Option: An extra quantity column called Laytime Qty (Laytime Quantity) is located next to the Quantity column in the Cargo Ports field. Under Quantity, data is automatically retrieved from the Voyage Estimate module. The row fields under Laytime Qty remains blank until data is manually entered. The fields of the column is used when the retrieved data, (originally entered in Voyage Estimate or from Bill of Lading (B/L)), under Quantity is inaccurate or cannot be used. Any quantity entered under Laytime Qty will override the data stated under Quantity for the applicable port. This option can be used when for example addding deadfreight to a laytime calculation. Note: Manually entered data under Laytime Qty must be MANUALLY removed.Anchor ff2 ff2
Total Laytime Option: The option of stating laytime in actual numbers, for example X number of days or Y number of hours (as opposed to a number/quantity (for example, 10000 MT/day)). The laytime will therefore not vary depending on quantity, but solely on time. The total laytime option can be used for both loading and discharging (typical in tanker scenarios). If the option is used, relevant total terms are entered under Terms in either the Charter Party- or Cargo field (depending on if it is for the total of the charter party (CP) or for each cargo individually. The terms in the Cargo Port level will adjust automatically.Anchor ff3 ff3
Example:- Open relevant voyage and locate relevant port to make the provisional calculation for.
- In the Cargo Port field:
- Enter the quantity to be used in the cargo port row of applicable cargo under Laytime Qty (Laytime Quantity).
- Enter all other relevant details in all other relevant fields to perform the laytime calculation.
- Click Recalculate.
- The laytime calculation is refreshed and recalculated.
"Fixed feature" - (Cargo, Cargo Port): This option allows entered demurrage and/or despatch date to be "locked", i.e. the data entered/calculated will not alter if Recalculate is clicked. There are four Fixed checkboxes, each to the right of the respective demurrage and despatch columns in the Cargo- and Cargo Ports fields. This enables locking demurrage and/or despatch both per cargo and per individual cargo port. This feature can for example be used when provisional estimates for demurrage and/or despatch are being made.Anchor ff4 ff4
"Cargo Port Features" - (Add Load Port, Add Discharge Port, Remove, Copy Dates, Paste Dates): These features allows adding/removing load-and discharge ports to a cargo port rotation and the copying and pasting of dates and times to avoid repeated manual entry of the same data. Useful and time-saving, especially when doing calculations on relets where the terms are very similar for charterer and owner.Anchor ff5 ff5
To open menu: Click a cargo port in the Cargo Port field and right-click the mouse. The menu will display.- Add Load Port: Adds a new cargo load port to a cargo's port rotation. Displays as a row in the Cargo Port field.
- Add Discharge Port: Adds a new cargo discharge port to a cargo's port rotation. Displays as a row in the Cargo Port field.
- Remove: Removes a selected cargo port from teh Cargo Ports from a calculation.
- Copy Dates: Copies entered date and time.
- To copy dates:
- Right-click the cargo port with entered dates and times to be copied.
- Select Copy Dates.
- A copy of all relevant dates, including deductions, for that cargo port is be saved to be entered elsewhere using Paste Dates, for example all the dates from one cargo port can be copied to a second port.
- To copy dates:
- Paste Dates: Pastes copied dates and times.
- To paste dates:
- Right-click the cargo port where copied dates and times are to be entered.
- Select Paste Dates.
- All relevant dates, including deductions, from another copied cargo port will be pasted into the selected cargo port (as applicable).
- To paste dates:
Aggregating for Laytime Calculation for Multiple Cargoes Criteria : If a single booking is split into several individual cargoes each will by default be calculated separately in the Laytime module. To calculate one or more of the ports aggregated, the cargoes must updated and meet certain criteria.Anchor ff6 ff6 Criteria:
- Each cargo must belong to the same charter party (CP).
- Each of the ports that should be aggregated together must have the "Prorate" check-box ticked.
Enter the demurrage and despatch rate on each of the cargo ports to be aggregated.
Any deductions must be entered under the Cargo Port section.
Note: It is sufficient to enter all deductions under one of the cargo ports involved.
Open Voyage... opens the Select a Voyage dialogue box which contains all previously entered voyage calculations. Using the filter option, a search can be narrowed down, for each search parameter added, the more detailed the search.Anchor ff12 ff12 - To select Select a voyage:
- Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will openopens.
- Click the voyage to open - it will highlight.
- Click OK.
- The dialogue box will close and the voyage will open opens in the Laytime Calculations module.
Note: Can ONLY open frozen (or actual) voyages and ONLY if there is an existing charter party.
- To select Select a voyage:
Invoicing: Invoicing opens a drop-down menu with the selections Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. The module allows a user to move from the Laytime module directly to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules respectively. By default the Laytime Calculations module calculates each cargo individually unless otherwise indicated.Anchor ff13 ff13 - The Accounts Receivable module will open in a separate tab when selected displaying all receivable invoices (outgoing) per charter party (charterer).
Note: Despatch, despite being a cost, will register under Accounts Receivable as a negative number because it it a receivable.- The Accounts Payable module will open in a separate tab when selected displaying all payable invoices (incoming) per charter party (charterer).
- The Accounts Payable module will open in a separate tab when selected displaying all payable invoices (incoming) per charter party (charterer).
- The Accounts Receivable module will open in a separate tab when selected displaying all receivable invoices (outgoing) per charter party (charterer).
Recalculate: No laytime calculation can be made until the Recalculate button is clicked. Once clicked, the calculation is refreshed and recalculated. Recalculate can be clicked at any time during a calculation, and will calculate on that point the most updated figures. It is also possible to enter multiple data without running a calculation and wait until all required details are entered and then to click Recalculate to perform a single calculation (and no "part calculations"). However, the recalculate function will automatically be performed upon closing the Laytime Calculations module. Appropriate fields in the Voyage Estimate and Booking and Operations modules will also automatically update with the Laytime Calculations module each time the calculation is refreshed and recalculated, i.e. each time Recalculate is clicked.Anchor ff14 ff14
Show Hours and Minutes/Show Days: Date and time in the Laytime module is either shown in days or in hour and minutes. If the toolbar button states "Show Hours and Minutes" all time and dates is currently displayed in days. Click the button to change and time and dates. The button changes name to "Show Days" and all dates and time will display in hours and minutes. To revert to show time in days, click the button again.Anchor ff15 ff15
Print Laytime Statement: Print Laytime Statement opens a drop-down menu with the selections Print Laytime Statement and Print Old Version. The Print Laytime Statement generates a portion of a timesheet, which details the amount of laytime used by a voyage charterer and display as an electronic printout in PDF-format (separate window). The Laytime Statement print option can be run at any time, however BEFORE being run the correct port must be selected BOTH in the Port Call List (Port Call tab) and in the Cargo Port field in order for an accurate statement to be generated. Note: If a cargo has multiple load and/or discharge ports, but is not using Reversible Terms, the VMS will calculate and print each port separately, i.e. when printing a Laytime Statement each port is printed separately. To change this check (where applicable) Reversible and click Recalculate and then print the statement. All cargo ports of the selected cargo will then be inculded in the same laytime statement. ALSO - Although very simple estimations on demurrage can be performed in the Voyage Estimate module, no detailed calculations or statements, for example on dates, deductions, etc.), can be made or printed until the voyage has been frozen and a charter party created in the VMS.Anchor ff16 ff16 The Print Old Version would generate the same as the Print Laytime Statement, but using an older layout. PLEASE NOTE: The use of the Print Old Version is currently being DISCONTINUED and will be PHASED OUT.
- To generate Generate a laytime statement printout:
- Open the laytime calculation to run a printout on. Its fields will displaydisplays.
- Click Print Laytime Statement and from the drop-down select Print Laytime Statement.
- A laytime statement printout will generate generates and display displays as an electronic printout in PDF-format (separate window).
Example of an Empty Laytime Statement.
- To generate Generate a laytime statement printout: