The Voyage Estimate module menus are located at the very top of the interface. The menus only associated with the module are the module specific menus for Voyage Charter interface of the Voyage Estimate are Voyage, Cargo, Port Call, Cargo Port, Functions and Bulk Update menus. The Cargo, Port Call, Cargo Port menus are covered below and the Voyage Menu, Functions Menu and Bulk Update Menu on their respective pages.
1. Cargo Menu
2. Port Call Menu
3. Cargo Port Menu
The Voyage Estimate Toolbar is located just above the calculation fields, its purpose to aid in navigation and module ease of useperforming essential functions.
1. Open Voyage...
2. Navigation Arrows
3. New Voyage Charter
4. New Time Charter Out
5. TC In Contract...
6. Print
7. Map
Open Voyage... opens the Select a Voyage dialogue box which contains all previously entered voyage calculations. The dialogue box displays when opened by default only a user's own calculations, but can be filtered to display all previous calculations. Using the filter option, a search can be narrowed down, for each search parameter added, the more detailed the search. The Select a Voyage dialogue box can also be used to copy and to delete a voyage.Anchor TOOL4 TOOL4 - To filter for a voyage:
- Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will open.
- In the filter row above the listed voyages, enter a search parameter in appropriate column row.
- Press Enter to filter. The dialogue box will update and list voyages according to search.
To list all voyages with Singapore as a load port, enter the parameter "Singapore" above Load and press Enter.
- To copy (or duplicate) a voyage:
- Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will open.
Filter (if applicable) to locate the voyage to be copied.
- Select the row of the voyage to be copied - it will highlight.
Click Copy. The dialogue box will close and a copy of the selected voyage calculation display.
- To delete a voyage:
- Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will open.
Filter (if applicable) to locate the voyage to be deleted.
- Select the row of the voyage to be deleted - it will highlight.
- A pop-up opens asking to confirm deletion.
- Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected row will delete.
- To view Select a Voyage dialogue box in Preview mode/Normal mode:
- Select a Voyage dialogue box displays by default in Normal mode.
- Click Goto Preview Mode. The dialogue layout will change to preview mode and Goto Preview Mode will read Goto Normal Mode.
- To revert - click Goto Normal Mode.
- To close dialogue box - click Close.
- To filter for a voyage:
Navigation Arrows: The Navigation Arrows allows a user to move left and right between voyage calculations (they list in the order they were entered).Anchor TOOL5 TOOL5
New Voyage Charter:Anchor TOOL6 TOOL6
New Time Charter OutAnchor TOOL6 TOOL6
TC In Contract...Anchor TOOL7 TOOL7 Anchor TOOL8 TOOL8
MapAnchor TOOL9 TOOL9
1. Close
2. Tear Off
3. Reset Title
4. Set Title
5. Set as Default Title
Click the Close button to
close the module.
Click the Tear Off button
to show this module in a
separate window.
If multiple modules are
opened, you can switch
between modules by
clicking on the appropriate
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