- Open Voyage... opens the Select a Voyage dialogue box which contains all previously entered voyage calculations. The dialogue box displays when opened by default only a user's own calculations, but can be filtered to display all previous calculations. Using the filter option, a search can be narrowed down, for each search parameter added, the more detailed the search. The Select a Voyage dialogue box can also be used to copy and to delete a voyage.

- To filter for a voyage:
- Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will open.
- In the filter row above the listed voyages, enter a search parameter in appropriate column row.

- Press Enter to filter. The dialogue box will update and list voyages according to search.
To list all voyages with Singapore as a load port, enter the parameter "Singapore" above Load and press Enter.
- To copy (or duplicate) a voyage:
- Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will open.
Filter (if applicable) to locate the voyage to be copied.
- Select the row of the voyage to be copied - it will highlight.
Click Copy. The dialogue box will close and a copy of the selected voyage calculation display.
- To delete a voyage:
- Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will open.
Filter (if applicable) to locate the voyage to be deleted.
- Select the row of the voyage to be deleted - it will highlight.
- A pop-up opens asking to confirm deletion.
- Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected row will delete.
- To view Select a Voyage dialogue box in Preview mode/Normal mode:
- Select a Voyage dialogue box displays by default in Normal mode.
- Click Goto Preview Mode. The dialogue layout will change to preview mode and Goto Preview Mode will read Goto Normal Mode.
- To revert - click Goto Normal Mode.
- To close dialogue box - click Close.
- Navigation Arrows: The Navigation Arrows allows a user to move left and right between voyage calculations (they list in the order they were entered).

New Voyage Charter: Opens a new (blank) Voyage Charter Calculation.
- New Time Charter Out: Opens a new (blank) Time Charter Calculation. - More information, go to Time Charter.
- TC In Contract...: Is by default deactivated. Only activates if the vessel in the calculation is under a TC In contract. (TC In Contract field (Lower Result panel, Main calculation field) will automatically populate upon vessel name entry stating the charter date. Retrieved from the Time Charter Contracts module). If activated - click to open pop-up with main details of contract (read-only).
- Print: The print option menu, there are two options: Voyage (kasdjaljdlaksjdlakjdlk) and Post Voyage Analysis (deactivated by default for estimates. ONLY activates if the calculation is a fixture (or Actual Voyages)).
Image Added
- Voyage
- Post Voyage Analysis. xzxczxc - More information, go to Post Voyage Analysis.
- Map:

1. Close
2. Tear Off
3. Reset Title
4. Set Title
5. Set as Default Title