Short Description
toobbar buuons to allow w\easty access and navigation betw...
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Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
Modules > Voyage Estimate.
The Voyage Estimate window will open.Note: The most recent calculation will by default display. If no previous calculation has been made - the view will be empty.
Click the Close button to close the module.
Click the Tear Off button
to show this module in a
separate window.
If multiple modules are
opened, you can switch
between modules by
clicking on the appropriate
2. Moving Between Fields
3. Information Dialogue Boxes
4. Various Cost/Revenue Category QuickfiltersToolbar, Menus, Additional FeaturesThe Voyage Estimate module contains several features designed to simplify navigation and ease of use and functions to further improve accuracy and effectiveness of a calculation. The functions and features are both general (applies to the entire system), for example Tear Off option, Set Title, etc. but most are module specific for the Voyage Charter section of the module, for example Sensitivity analysis, Deviation Calculation, scheduling, etc.
The functions and features are manly located in the menus, toolbar and buttons.
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Chapter Contents:
Table of Contents | ||||||
The Calculation Browser Tab menu contains additional functions and requires a calculation (time or voyage charter) to be open to be accessed. To open the menu right-click the calculation's browser tab (where the calculation type (VC or TC), number and the vessel name are stated). The menu will display.
1. Close
2. Tear Off
3. Reset Title
4. Set Title
5. Set as Default Module
Close: Closes the Voyage Estimate module.Anchor TOOL9 TOOL9
Tear Off: Moves the module from the current window to a separate one (opens automatically). This feature enables several calculations to be displayed simultaneously.Anchor TOOL10 TOOL10
Reset Title: Resets a calculation's title (or name) to the original , if it has been changed.Anchor TOOL11 TOOL11 - To reset a voyage title:
- Open the Additional Features menu and from the drop-down select Reset Title.
- The voyage title will automatically revert to the original title.
- To reset a voyage title:
Set Title: Enables a title (or name) change to a calculation.Anchor TOOL12 TOOL12 - To set a new calculation title:
- Either
- double-click the calculation's browser tab
- or open the Additional Features menu and from the drop-down select Set Title.
- The Select Port to Insert pop-up will open.
- Enter the new tab title under Enter a tab title.
- Click OK. The pop-up will close and the new title display in the browser tab replacing the calculation type (VC or TC) and the vessel name. The unique calculation number remains.
Example: Original title: VC - OCEAN TRAVELLER - #786, Replaced with VOYAGE XYZ - #786.
- Either
- To set a new calculation title:
Set as Default Module: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHuh? Hur fungerar det? EFL!!Anchor TOOL13 TOOL13
Toolbar, Menus, Additional Features
Toolbar, Menus, Additional Features
Navigation tips and additional features