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  1. Anchor
    Open Voyage...
    opens the Select a Voyage dialogue box which contains all previously entered voyage calculations. Using the filter option, a search can be narrowed down, for each search parameter added, the more detailed the search.

    1. To select a voyage:
      1. Click Open Voyage... The Select a Voyage dialogue box will open.
      2. Click the voyage to open - it will highlight.
      3. Click OK.
      4. The dialogue box will close and the voyage will open in the Laytime Calculations module.
        Note: Can ONLY open frozen (or actual) voyages and ONLY if there is an existing charter party.

  2. Anchor
    : Invoicing opens a drop-down menu with the selections Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. The module allows a user to move from the Laytime module directly to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules respectively. By default the Laytime Calculations module calculates each cargo individually unless otherwise indicated.

    1. The Accounts Receivable module will open in a separate tab when selected displaying all receivable invoices (outgoing) per charter party (charterer).
      Note: Despatch, despite being a cost, will register under Accounts Receivable as a negative number because it it a receivable.
      1. The Accounts Payable module will open in a separate tab when selected displaying all payable invoices (incoming) per charter party (charterer).

  3. Anchor
    : No laytime calculation can be made until the Recalculate button is clicked. Once clicked, the calculation is refreshed and recalculated. Recalculate can be clicked at any time during a calculation, and will calculate on that point the most updated figures. It is also possible to enter multiple data without running a calculation and wait until all required details are entered and then to click Recalculate to perform a single calculation (and no "part calculations"). However, the recalculate function will automatically be performed upon closing the Laytime Calculations module. Appropriate fields in the Voyage Estimate and Booking and Operations modules will also automatically update with the Laytime Calculations module each time the calculation is refreshed and recalculated, i.e. each time Recalculate is clicked.

  4. Anchor
    Show Hours and Minutes/Show Days:
    Date and time in the Laytime module is either shown in days or in hour and minutes. If the toolbar button states "Show Hours and Minutes" all time and dates is currently displayed in days. Click the button to change and time and dates. The button changes name to "Show Days" and all dates and time will display in hours and minutes. To revert to show time in days, click the button again.

  5. Anchor
    Print Laytime Statement: Print Laytime Statement opens a drop-down menu with the selections Print Laytime Statement and Print Old Version. The Print Laytime Statement generates a portion of a timesheet, which details the amount of laytime used by a voyage charterer and display as an electronic printout in PDF-format (separate window). The Laytime Statement print option can be run at any time, however BEFORE being run the correct port must be selected BOTH in the Port Call List (Port Call tab) and in the Cargo Port field in order for an accurate statement to be generated. Note: If a cargo has multiple load and/or discharge ports, but is not using Reversible Terms, the VMS will calculate and print each port separately, i.e. when printing a Laytime Statement each port is printed separately. To change this check (where applicable) Reversible and click Recalculate and then print the statement. All cargo ports of the selected cargo will then be inculded in the same laytime statement. ALSO - Although very simple estimations on demurrage can be performed in the Voyage Estimate module, no detailed calculations or statements, for example on dates, deductions, etc.), can be made or printed until the voyage has been frozen and a charter party created in the VMS.

    The Print Old Version would generate the same as the Print Laytime Statement, but using an older layout. PLEASE NOTE: The use of  the Print Old Version is currently being DISCONTINUED and will be PHASED OUT.


    1. To generate a laytime statement printout:
      1. Open the laytime calculation to run a printout on. Its fields will display. 
      2. Click Print Laytime Statement and from the drop-down select Print Laytime Statement.
      3. A laytime statement printout will generate and display as an electronic printout in PDF-format (separate window).


        Example of an Empty Laytime Statement.


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