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Can deadfreight be included in a laytime calculation, thus enabling extra time allowed? If so, how?


Yes. Deadfreight can be added to allow for extra time in a laytime calculation by overriding the "Laytime Quantity". To do this, utilise the Laytime Quanity Option.


To add deadfreight to a laytime calculation:

  1. In the Laytime Calculations module open applicable voyage - its detalis will display
  2. Enter the total quantity (Qty & Deadfreight Qty) in the extra quantity column called Laytime Qty located next to the Quantity column in the Cargo Ports field.
    Note: The row fields under Laytime Qty remain blank until data is manually entered.


  3. Click Recalculate.
  4. The entered quantity under Laytime Qty entered will override the data stated under Quantity for the applicable port and continue to apply until manually removed.


  1. Best regards, Sofi Jonung

ny sida? 

 Enter the total quantity (Qty & Deadfreight Qty) in the extra quantity column called Laytime Qty located next to the Quantity column in the Cargo Ports field

  1. I hv another query. How about if we have additional time allowed ? Additional time allowed cud be due to :- 1. Sometime, if chtrs allow vsl to load early prior commencemence of laycan, any time saved prior to laycan to be credited in total laytime allowed. 2. Agreed in CP where charterer has additional 6 hours for each port.

    How to add the time ?

  2. Hi,

    In order add additional time, for both situations mentioned, I would suggest you add the additional time/port as deductions per port.

    Best Regards, Sofi



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