Supported methods
GET /BusinessPartner
Get a slit of BusinessPartner objects. Should be filtered to avoid fetching huge amounts of data.
Search parameters: See
GET /BusinessPartner/{key}
POST /BusinessPartner
Insert a new BusinesspPartner object
Required fields: businessPartner: businessPartnerCode, businessPartnerType, businessPartnerSort
Unique fields: businessPartner: businessPartnerCode, businessPartnerSort
PUT /BusinessPartner
Update an existing BusinessPartner. Unchanged properties can be skipped.
Any field that takes a code can take an ID instead.
Code fields:
businessPartner: businessUnit, baselineTerm, payee, paymentTerms, bankAccountNo, businessPartnerType
ID fields
Boolean fields
businessPartner: isInterCompany, isTotalCommissionPayable
Fields without quotes, that are not IDs, are numeric values.
Fields with quotes, that are not code fields, are alphanumeric strings.
New BusinessPartner example
This example demonstrates how to create a new BusinessPartner object:
POST /BusinessPartner
{ "businessUnit": null, "baselineTerm": "LOAD", "payee": "P200240", "paymentTerms": "IMD", "bankAccount": null, "businessPartnerName": "Spliethoff''s Bevrachtingskantoor B.V.", "businessPartnerCode": "123456789-1", "businessPartnerName2": "Spliethoff''s Bevrachtingskantoor B.V.", "businessPartnerSort": "Spliethoff NL", "companyRegistrationNo": "123456789", "isInterCompany": false, "isTotalCommissionPayable": true, "maxAdvancePaymentPercent": 100, "vatNumber": "123456879", "businessPartnerType": "BB", "companyBankAccount": null, "individuals": [ { "individualName": "Test Person" }, { "individualName": "Test Person2" } ], "remarks": [ { "remarkTitle": "A Remark title", "remark": "This is a remark on a Various" }, { "remarkTitle": "Another remark title", "remark": "This is another remark on a Various.\n\nThis is the line after the blank line." } ], "addresses": [ { "country": "NL", "address1": "Street Name 54", "address2": "5th floor", "address3": "", "city": "Amsterdam", "postalCode": "1000 AA" } ], "contactInfo": [ { "email": "", "faxNo": "55555555", "mobileNo": "66666666", "phoneNo": "77777777", "telexNo": "88888888" } ] }