Issues Resolved in Dataloy API 3.2


  • [DLP-67] - As an IT Manager, I would like a standard Dataloy exchange rate integration, so that my company does not have to use time on developing this.

    - Find a good API that we can use for our standard Exchange Rate integration. Once a day (when exchange rates are updated in external API, only on working days) collect exchange rates.
    - It should be possible to configure for each client which currencies they want to get exchange rate for. Then post it to the Dataloy API. Make it possible to disable/enable.

  • [DLP-323] - As a API user I would like to have a new end-point that delivers a list of all changes made since a given date so that I can ensure my systems are synchronized

  • [DLP-348] - As an API user I would like to subscribe to changes so that changes are pushed from Dataloy to my application.

    - It has to be possible to make a subscription for a given object for a given operation type, creation, update, deletion.
    - For update and deletion has to be possible also specify the primary key of the object of interest.
    - The client that make a subscription must provide an URL where DLP can push the changes in JSON format.

  • [DLP-421] - As IT architect I want for the installations with CacheRefresh off the table TBL_CACHE_REFRESH cleaned periodically.

  • [DLP-423] - As IT manager I want to have the possibility to decrease the log of CacheMonitor.

  • [DLP-464] - As DLP developer I want a method that given an object name and its id, for instance Cargo with cargo id 76789, returns a list of its "parent objects".

  • [DLP-468] - As an API user, I would like to extract bunker requirements through the API, so that I can automate integration with a Bunker Procurement System (BPS).

  • [DLP-513] - As an API user I want to get default Currency for a Bunker Order.

  • [DLP-522] - As an API user I want to Delete Unallocated Voyages:


  • [DLP-535] - The cache monitor stops running if the database connection is not active.


  • [DLP-465] - Implement a method that builds a memory structure where the key is the object name and the value the list of its parent objects, based on MixIn classes.

    - For instance for CargoPort the list of its parent objects should be: Cargo, BillOfLading, DocumentLine, NotToCount.

  • [DLP-466] - Implement a method that given an object name and its id, returns a list of its "parent objects".

    - The list of "parent objects" follow the rule: An object is a "parent object" of a given object if they directly have a reference to each other.

  • [DLP-467] - Write technical documentation.


  • [DLP-433] - Problem with QueryParser.hasAllPropertySet.
  • [DLP-434] - Problem in CargoBl when a cargoPort has layTimeTermsValues set null.

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