API 3.16


  • [DLP-651] - As an API User, I would like to sort on calculated fields and values in lists, so that I can get more powerful results

  • [DLP-1558] - As an API user, I want to be able to compare new values posted / put against old values in the database, so that I can have alerts on updates done outside the API

  • [DLP-1569] - As an API user, I want to have access to Charter Party (VC) data from Cargo, so I have a better overview of my cargos

  • [DLP-1571] - As a webhook user I want to have the possibility to disable notifications for child and parent objects so that I can reduce the load on the APIs

  • [DLP-1580] - As an API user I want to be able to re-send failed webhook notifications so that I can ensure all webhook notifications are received

  • [DLP-1610] - Deleting a voyage deletes also the connected budgetVersion, if it is present


  • [DLP-1469] - Change_date field of TBL_ANY are updated also when in reality there are no changes