Dataloy Support Process

Dataloy Support Process

The Dataloy Service Desk

Support Management Routines

Upon encountering an issue with Dataloy VMS, visit Dataloy's ever extensive and ever growing VMS Knowledge Database. If the answer cannot be located, please contact a designated VMS SuperUser or Application Responsible at your company. If the Super-User/Application Responsible cannot provide an answer, they can submit a support request at support.dataloy.com. 

The support request must contain:

  • a short description in the Summary field
  • a description of the issue/query
  • a description of what was attempted when the problem was encountered
  • any relevant attachments (screenshots, error message, etc.)
  • a correct severity (ref severity levels: Service Level Agreement (SLA))

A confirmation e-mail will be sent upon receipt. The issue is then assigned to a Support Agent who will be in charge of helping the Reporter. A Developer will be in touch if more information is needed to solve the problem. If needed the User will be invited to a short web session so that the Support Agent can share the User’s screen/s. The answer/solution will be sent to the Submitter to share.

This method of handling support is efficient as all needed information can be collected immediately, instead of for example via telephone (where information can get lost). It also provides the opportunity to set correct priority on incoming support issues. For major issues of downtime or very complex problems telephone communication can be used. The support routines apply equally to all clients worldwide.


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