Short Description
Chapter Contents:
Long Description
Supported Methods
GET /Voyage
Get a list of Voyage objects. Filter to avoid huge amounts of data (see Filtering for search parameters).
GET /Voyage/{key}
Get a single Voyage object.
POST /Voyage
Insert a new Voyage object
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description | Comments |
| Integer |
| referenceNo is set automatically by Dataloy VMS, setting this in the API will have no effect. |
| /Vessel |
| /Port |
| Array of /PortCall |
| Array of /Cargo |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Array of /Tc |
| Double |
| String | 64 |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Date |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Calculated if voyage is not estimate, budget or unallocated |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Date |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Boolean |
| Boolean |
| If set to true the TCE of the voyage is locked |
| Boolean |
| Integer |
| Double |
| Double since API 3.12.0, before was Integer |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| String | 128 |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| String | 64 |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| /Tc |
| /Currency |
| /VoyageHeader |
| String |
| Array of /Various |
| Boolean |
| Available from API version 6.3. |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Double |
| Array of /FleetPlanVoyage |
| Double |
| Sum of all the cargos' adjustment field on the voyage | Available from API version 6.28 |
| Double |
| Available from API version 6.29 |
| Double |
| Available from API version 6.29 |
| Double |
| Available from API version 6.29 |
| Double |
| Available from API version 6.29 |
Example Response Body
Updated for API version 2.0.0 using the new required date format yyyy-dd-MMThh:mi:ss to conform ISO 8601, (prior versions has date format: yyyy-dd-MM hh:mi:ss)
"referenceNo": 306672,
"vessel": {
"vesselName": "VESSEL 1",
"key": 17743460,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Vessel/17743460"
"ballastPort": {
"portName": "GRANGEMOUTH",
"unLoCode": "GBGRG",
"country": {
"countryCode": "GB",
"countryName": "United Kingdom",
"key": 410072,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Country/410072"
"isCanal": false,
"key": 103240,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Port/103240"
"portCalls": [
"key": 27438827,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/PortCall/27438827",
"eventLogs": [
"key": 27438829,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/27438829",
"event": {
"key": 1000050,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000050",
"eventCode": "ARR",
"eventDesc": "Arrived"
"eventLogDate": "2019-07-23T19:00:00"
"key": 27438831,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/27438831",
"event": {
"key": 1000051,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000051",
"eventCode": "BRT",
"eventDesc": "Berthed"
"eventLogDate": "2020-08-03T09:04:38"
"key": 27438833,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/27438833",
"event": {
"key": 1000052,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000052",
"eventCode": "DEP",
"eventDesc": "Departed"
"eventLogDate": "2019-07-25T15:15:00"
"key": 27438835,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/PortCall/27438835",
"eventLogs": [
"key": 27438837,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/27438837",
"event": {
"key": 1000050,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000050",
"eventCode": "ARR",
"eventDesc": "Arrived"
"eventLogDate": "2019-07-18T09:30:00"
"key": 27438841,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/27438841",
"event": {
"key": 1000052,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000052",
"eventCode": "DEP",
"eventDesc": "Departed"
"eventLogDate": "2019-07-19T15:00:00"
"key": 27438839,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/27438839",
"event": {
"key": 1000051,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000051",
"eventCode": "BRT",
"eventDesc": "Berthed"
"eventLogDate": "2020-06-05T22:53:35"
"key": 35637909,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/PortCall/35637909",
"eventLogs": [
"key": 35637904,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/35637904",
"event": {
"key": 1000052,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000052",
"eventCode": "DEP",
"eventDesc": "Departed"
"eventLogDate": "2019-08-06T23:48:20"
"key": 35637906,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/35637906",
"event": {
"key": 1000050,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000050",
"eventCode": "ARR",
"eventDesc": "Arrived"
"eventLogDate": "2019-08-06T23:48:20"
"key": 35637907,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/35637907",
"event": {
"key": 1000051,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000051",
"eventCode": "BRT",
"eventDesc": "Berthed"
"eventLogDate": "2019-08-06T23:48:20"
"key": 35637911,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/PortCall/35637911",
"eventLogs": [
"key": 35637903,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/35637903",
"event": {
"key": 1000050,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000050",
"eventCode": "ARR",
"eventDesc": "Arrived"
"eventLogDate": "2019-07-30T20:20:00"
"key": 35637908,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/35637908",
"event": {
"key": 1000052,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000052",
"eventCode": "DEP",
"eventDesc": "Departed"
"eventLogDate": "2019-07-30T20:20:00"
"key": 35637905,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/EventLog/35637905",
"event": {
"key": 1000051,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Event/1000051",
"eventCode": "BRT",
"eventDesc": "Berthed"
"eventLogDate": "2019-07-30T20:20:00"
"cargos": [
"key": 27438822,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Cargo/27438822"
"key": 35637603,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Cargo/35637603"
"tcIn": {
"key": 25908737,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Tc/25908737"
"tcs": [],
"voyageHeader": {
"key": 27439276,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/VoyageHeader/27439276",
"referenceNo": "PAMST080",
"voyageSnapshots": [
"key": 30422016,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/VoyageSnapshot/30422016"
"key": 31328098,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/VoyageSnapshot/31328098"
"key": 29076944,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/VoyageSnapshot/29076944"
"voyageStartDate": "2019-07-17T16:30:00",
"offhires": [],
"createdDate": "2019-07-18T13:43:21",
"modifiedDate": "2019-08-19T07:09:26",
"company": {
"key": 13549000,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Company/13549000",
"companyCode": "13699",
"companyName": "Chartering AS"
"budgetVersion": null,
"isBudget": false,
"businessUnit": {
"key": 13549591,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/BusinessUnit/13549591",
"businessUnitCode": "KC",
"businessUnitName": "Chartering"
"vesselCode": {
"key": 17743472,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/VesselCode/17743472",
"vesselCode": "PAMST"
"leg": null,
"operator": {
"key": 16523585,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/User/16523585",
"userCode": "EJV",
"userName": "Erik Vigo"
"voyageStatus": {
"key": 1000137,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/StatusType/1000137",
"statusTypeCode": "OPR",
"statusTypeDesc": "Demurrage Checked"
"voyageNo": 80,
"voyageStartYear": 2019,
"budgetVoyageStart": null,
"isLastVoyage": false,
"doConsumptionOffhire": 0.0,
"foConsumptionOffhire": 0.0,
"tcBenchmarkPercent": 100.0,
"charteringResponsible": {
"key": 7734388,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/User/7734388",
"userCode": "PEJ",
"userName": "Paal James"
"tcBenchmarkIndex": null,
"bunkersProfitLoss": 0.0,
"dlConsumptionOffhire": 0.0,
"dlPriceEndOfVoyage": 553.7735602129891,
"dlPriceVoyageStart": 557.3270510008023,
"dlProfitLoss": 0.0,
"dlProfitLossTcIn": 0.0,
"dlRobVoyageStart": 45.10000000000001,
"dlSulphurPctVoyageStart": 0.0,
"doPriceEndOfVoyage": 0.0,
"doPriceVoyageStart": 0.0,
"doProfitLoss": 0.0,
"doProfitLossTcIn": 0.0,
"doRobVoyageStart": 0.0,
"doSulphurPctVoyageStart": 0.0,
"flConsumptionOffhire": 0.0,
"flIndexPriceAdd": 0.0,
"flPriceEndOfVoyage": 0.0,
"flPriceVoyageStart": 0.0,
"flProfitLoss": 0.0,
"flProfitLossTcIn": 0.0,
"flRobVoyageStart": 0.0,
"flSulphurPctVoyageStart": 0.0,
"foIndexPriceAdd": 0.0,
"foPriceEndOfVoyage": 1.0,
"foPriceVoyageStart": 1.0,
"foProfitLoss": 0.0,
"foProfitLossHedge": 0.0,
"foProfitLossTcIn": 0.0,
"foRobVoyageStart": 0.0,
"foSulphurPctVoyageStart": 0.0,
"isDlPriceFixed": false,
"isDoFixed": false,
"isDoPriceFixed": false,
"isEstimate": false,
"isFlPriceFixed": false,
"isFoFixed": false,
"isFoPriceFixed": false,
"isVoyageStartFixed": false,
"timezoneOffset": 1.0,
"tradeVoyageNo": null,
"vesselEarningPoint": 100.0,
"flIndex": null,
"foIndex": null,
"master": null,
"route": null,
"pool": {
"key": 11742600,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Pool/11742600"
"pattern": null
"voyageEndDateGMT": "2019-08-06T21:48:20",
"voyageStartDateGMT": "2019-07-17T15:30:00",
"scenarios": [],
"variouses": [],
"createdDate": "2019-07-18T13:36:35",
"modifiedDate": "2020-08-21T13:11:16",
"createdById": 7734388,
"portCost": 12922.76415090204,
"voyageCurrency": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"currencyName": "Euro",
"key": 400008,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Currency/400008"
"isDaysWaitingFixed": false,
"isTc": false,
"commission": 1200.0,
"handlingCost": 0.0,
"ballastBonus": 0.0,
"ballastBonusCommission": 0.0,
"ballastBonusNet": 0.0,
"ballastBonusRevenue": 0.0,
"canalCost": 0.0,
"comments": null,
"commissionAddress": 0.0,
"commissionOwnersCost": 0.0,
"cveTcIn": 0.0,
"cveTcOut": 0.0,
"daysBallast": 0.5099449458948672,
"daysCanal": 0.0,
"daysCleaning": 0.0,
"daysDischarging": 1.84375,
"daysExtraAtSea": 0.0,
"tcRate": 1900.0,
"voyageStatus": "A",
"daysLoaded": 36.92294133622994,
"daysTotal": 40.50580294879147,
"daysExtraInPort": 0.0,
"daysHeating": 0.0,
"daysIdle": 0.0,
"daysInertingDo": 0.0,
"daysInertingFo": 0.0,
"daysLoading": 1.2291666666666667,
"daysOffhire": 0.0,
"daysOffhireCharterer": 0.0,
"daysOffhireOwner": 0.0,
"daysTotalAtSea": 37.432886282124805,
"daysTotalInPort": 3.0729166666666665,
"daysWaiting": 0.0,
"demurrage": 0.0,
"despatch": 0.0,
"dlConsumption": 1430.957384405084,
"dlCost": 902926.1626637866,
"dlPrice": 577.0,
"doAtSea": 0.0,
"doConsumption": 0.0,
"doCost": 0.0,
"doInerting": 0.0,
"doInPort": 0.0,
"doInPortWorking": 0.0,
"doPrice": 0.0,
"estimatedVoyageStartDate": "2019-07-17T16:30:00",
"flConsumption": 0.0,
"flCost": 0.0,
"flPrice": 0.0,
"foBallast": 3.2,
"foCleaning": 0.0,
"foConsumption": 864.5127678959564,
"foCost": 0.0,
"foHeating": 0.0,
"foInerting": 0.0,
"foInPort": 0.0,
"foInPortWorking": 0.0,
"foLoaded": 3.2,
"foPrice": 0.0,
"foPumping": 0.0,
"freight": 24000.0,
"freightCost": 0.0,
"grossFreight": 24000.0,
"ilohcTcIn": 0.0,
"ilohcTcOut": 0.0,
"milesBallast": 105.0,
"milesLoaded": 7596.0,
"netFreight": 22800.0,
"percentExtraAtSea": 0.0,
"restrictingCubic": 0.0,
"robFixed": 0.0,
"runningCost": 0.0,
"runningCostPerDay": 0.0,
"speedBallast": 8.571428571428571,
"speedLoaded": 8.571428571428571,
"tabTitle": null,
"tcHireCommission": 0.0,
"tcHireNet": 38000.0,
"tcResult": -893048.9268146886,
"tcResultDay": -22047.431770299805,
"tdw": 0.0,
"utilisationComments": null,
"variousCost": 1.8189894035458565E-12,
"variousRevenue": 0.0,
"voyageResult": -931048.9268146886,
"remarks": [
"remarkTitle": "FO calculation details",
"key": 27439281,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Remark/27439281"
"remarkTitle": "DO calculation details",
"key": 27439282,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Remark/27439282"
"remarkTitle": "FL calculation details",
"key": 27439283,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Remark/27439283"
"remarkTitle": "DL calculation details",
"key": 27439284,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Remark/27439284"
"remarkTitle": "ok",
"key": 27871980,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Remark/27871980"
"key": 27438821,
"self": "http://platform-dev.dataloy.com:80/ws/rest/Voyage/27438821"