Short Description
1. All features implemented for Estimate voyages (create, update, copy, move etc) should also be available for Unallocated voyages
2. All business logic which depends on a voyage being Estimate, Budget, Unallocated or Actual should take Unallocated into consideration so that Unallocated voyages does not have impact on calculations of other voyages
3. All reports which depends on a voyage being Estimate, Budget, Unallocated or Actual should take Unallocated into consideration so that Unallocated voyages does not have impact on report output
Dataloy VMS enables users to enter unallocated voyages either via the the Voyage Estimate, Booking and Operations or the COA Planner modules. There are different options available when making a booking, either a new voyage can be created and the cargo to be booked added to it, or an existing voyage can be opened and a cargo can be added to an already existing one, (i.e. a cargo can be booked to be transported by a vessel during the same voyage as another booking).
Unallocated voyages are planned, and often contracted voyages, tht have yet to be assigned a s vessel. There are no limit as to how many unallocated voyages can be antered and scheduled in the VMS. Any type aof voyage can be an unallocated voyage, those with a fixed trade (i.e. has a laycan), contractual voayges, ongoingn voyages (no laycan) and "undefined" voyages, i.e. voyages not yet decided whenor with what vessel they are to take place.those withought, etc.
OBS! I SD: definiera budget rsor... as estimate but NOT actual voyages.
Uallokerte reiser er en liste med reiser som ennå ikke er allokert til skip
Ingen begrensninger på hvor mange sånne reiser man kan legge in frem i tid, Disse vil ikke vises i FSP fleet plan - nødt til og/eller ønsker å få plassert
Unallocated voyages of high quality can be generated efficiently in order to plan future voyages and to have them allocated in a timely manner. The unallocated voyages are either based on Scheduled Budget voyages or created one by one in the Voyage Estimate, Booking and Operations and in the COA Planner modules.
There are four methods to book a cargo:
- Voyage Estimate:
- Creating a new voyage and cargo which, once the estimate is turned into a fixture, will automatically be transferred to operations for execution. Here, the cargo IS the booking.
- Adding a cargo (i.e. making a booking) to an already existing fixture. Once added to the fixture's adjusted estimate, it will automatically transfer to operations.
- Booking and Operations:
- Creating a new voyage and cargo directly in operations
- Adding a cargo (i.e. making a booking) to an already existing fixture.
- COA Planner
- dsd
On this screen you can see that there is a red colour on the allocated voyages that means that it's a COA, and we also differentiate between spot voyages and time charters, but this is of course for you to prioritise which voyages are most important.
VC, TC, har COA, har inte COA.
- dsd
The To-Make-A-Booking process page provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform a booking by creating an new voyage and adding a cargo and by booking a cargo to an already existing voyage both using the Voyage Estimate module and directly in the Booking and Operations module.
Unallocated used in FSP functionproposes scheduleing witht he most beneficial version available at the top of the displayed Gannt chart. The unallocated voyages can be entered in advance and allocated later.
interface tools to indicate what type of voyage it is.xample blue is a ballast voyageOn this screen you can see that there is a red colour on the allocated voyages that means that it's a COA, and we also differentiate between spot voyages and time charters, but this is of course for you to prioritise which voyages are most important. /in the FSP screen module application the existance of a COA is in the Gantt chart highlöighted in red text on the allocated voyages.
Prioritet av reiser
Prioritet 1 = Har Laycan (kontraktsforpliktelser)
Prioritet 2 = Ikke definert enda
Prioritet 3 = Uten Laycan
Scheduleringsløsning i FSP: Alle reiser som ikke er påbegynt enda sendes til beregning og kan potensielt endres samt at systemet kan foreslår en omallokering.
Scheduling utfordring: Alle ballene kastes opp i luften og alle ballene tas ned igjen og omallokeres > kan betyr store endringer => Et behov som vil oppstå: Minimere antall swaps
Log in
Booking and Operations Module
Reflekterer hva som vises i FSP
By Vessels
Filter by Trade
Høyre Click - Create unallocated voyages
Kopier lages av reisen og legges under unallocated reiser
Unallocated (bøtte/liste) Har ligger alle reisene > Her melder commerical inn sitt behov til schedulings avdelingen
Å generere unallocated reiser er likt prosessen hvordan man i dag lager estimate reiser
Process mellom Commercial og Scheduling avdeling:
Tett dialog med commerical i forhold til hvilke reiser som er upcoming
Commercial kommuniserer et behov
Scheduler sier at de trenger reiser
Scheduler i dag: Legger opp alle reiser som vi har comitments og datoer vi må møtes
Kjører første versjon (slack)
Møte med commercial (hvilke muligheter har dere)
Kjører andre versjon (hvordan ser det ut nå?)
Plan legges litt og litt og ting låses underveis
Hvordan lages listen som vises i FSP i VMS?
Commercials behov lages i VMS og vises som behov i Unallocated Voyage
in the Cargo field delete any entered laycan dates respectively.
If you have a voyage that is already allocated to a ship but you have a problem with that voyage. So for example: the one that is loading in victoria and discharging in china. The question is then what should we do with this voyage if we try and solve the problem. So you can right click the voyage to un-allocate the voyage and bring it out of the plan so that it will sit in a waiting list of jobs but you can also select “show possible vessels” to ask to see what are the other ships which could potentially help me solve this problem.
Chapter Contents:
Long Description
To Create an Unallocated Voyage (Voyage Charter) using Voyage Estimate
- Create a new voyage charter or locate and/or copy an existing one to be scheduled as an unallocated voyage by following the step-by-step instructions at To Create a Voyage Charter Calculation/Estimate, Steps 1-8.
- If the voyage is
- not COA-based: leave LayCan fields of applicable cargo blank in the Cargoes field (for duplicated voyages: delete any existing LayCan dates).
Note: Laycan fields are to be blank to enable scheduling at whatever date, for example for "dummy-voyages".
Example: - COA-based: Ensure the COA is linked to the estimate (COA field) and enter laycan dates.
- not COA-based: leave LayCan fields of applicable cargo blank in the Cargoes field (for duplicated voyages: delete any existing LayCan dates).
- Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Schedule > Unallocated Voyage....
- The Freeze Voyage - Check These Values Before Proceeding pop-up will open.
Example: - Fill in the fields as follows (as applicable):
- Enter either
- the name of the company responsible for the voyage under Company Name (MANDATROY) or
- click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of input values will open. Select field and click OK.
- The name of the business unit responsible for the voyage under Business Unit Name (MANDATROY).
- Enter the name of the pool responsible for the voyage (if applicable) under Pool Name.
- Enter applicable trade route under Trade/Pattern.
- Enter the name of the person responsible for the voyage under under Responsible Charterer.
- Enter the name of the person responsible for operating the voyage under Responsible Operator.
- Enter the number of days that compose the demurrage timebar (if any) under Demurrage Timebar.
- Enter either
- the charter party (CP) date under CP Dat or
- click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar will open. Select date and click OK.
- The Last Voyage for current CP will always by default be disabled when creating an unallocated voyage charter voyage.
- Enter the vessel earning point under Vessel Earning Point.
Note: ONLY used to override if the vessel used in the voyage calculation has a different vessel earning point than the intended vessel for the voyage. - The Vessel IMO No field displays a vessel's IMO number.
Note: Disabled by default, i.e. possible to freeze voyage without IMO. To enable - contact Dataloy. - The Internal Relet section - leave blank.
Note: Disabled by default. ONLY activates when a voyage is a Time Charter (TC) In AND the selected business unit when freezing is other than business unit in the TC contract. - Enter the index against which the voyage will be measured (or benchmarked) under TC Benchmark Index.
- Enter the percentage of the index a voyage is benchmarked against under Percent.
Note: Defaults to 100%. - Enter applicable Payment terms (if any).
Note: Payment in a COA linked to the calculation or default payment terms added via the Charterer automatically displays. - Enter a payment term for each cargo:
- If multiple payment terms, enter in per cent the amount to be paid under the first payment term under %.
Note: If a single payment term - enter 100. - Enter applicable payment term under Payment Term.
- Enter applicable baseline term under Baseline Term.
- If multiple payment terms, shows in per cent the amount to be paid under the second payment term under %.
Note: If a single payment term - will show 0. - If a second payment term - enter the second payment term under Payment Term 2.
- If a second payment term - enter the second baseline term under Baseline Term 2.
- Click Proceed. A pop-up will open advising that scheduling the voyage has succeded. Click OK.
- The voyage calculation will automatically move to the Booking and Operations module as an Unallocated Voyage (i.e. a planned, and often contracted voyage, that has yet to be assigned a vessel, listed under Booking and Operations > Vessel List Tab > Unallocated).
Note: Only ONE unallocated voyage can be created at a time. Also, the voyage status indicator in the Voyage Estimate module changes from solid green to “T with purple background" (also referred to as “TCalc”).
To Create an Unallocated Voyage (Time Charter Out) using Voyage Estimate
- Create a new time charter out or locate and/or copy an existing one to be scheduled as an unallocated voyage by following the step-by-step instructions at To Create a Time Charter Out Calculation/Estimate, Steps 1-8.
- Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Schedule > Unallocated Voyage....
- The TC Contract dialogue box will open.
Example: - Review and enter relevant details in each respective tab as per applicable instructions on the Time Charter Contracts page (under To enter a Time Charter (TC) In Contract).
Note: Quick calculations need not have all details entered, only calculations to become fixtures. The TC Out Contract dialogue box tabs corresponds to the Time Charter Contracts tabs as the same details are needed, irrespective of it being a TC In or Out. - Click Proceed.
- The dialogue box will close and the Freeze Voyage - Check These Values Before Proceeding pop-up will open.
- Fill in the fields as follows:
- Enter either
- the name of the company responsible for the voyage under Company Name (MANDATROY) or
- click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of input values will open. Select field and click OK.
- The name of the business unit responsible for the voyage under Business Unit Name (MANDATROY).
- Enter the name of the pool responsible for the voyage (if applicable) under Pool Name.
- Enter applicable trade route under Trade/Pattern.
- Enter the name of the person responsible for the voyage under under Responsible Charterer.
- Enter the name of the person responsible for operating the voyage under Responsible Operator.
- Enter either
- the charter party (CP) date under CP Date (MANDATORY) or
- click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar will open. Select date and click OK.
- Check Last Voyage for current CP if vessel is under TC In contract and on its final voyage prior to re-delivery. Otherwise - leave UNCHECKED.
- Enter the vessel earning point under Vessel Earning Point.
Note: ONLY used to override if the vessel used in the voyage calculation has a different vessel earning point than the intended vessel for the voyage. - The Vessel IMO No field displays a vessel's IMO number.
Note: Disabled by default. - The Internal Relet section - leave blank.
Note: Disabled by default. ONLY activates when a voyage is a Time Charter (TC) In AND the selected business unit when freezing is other than business unit in the TC contract. - Enter the index against which the voyage will be measured (or benchmarked) under TC Benchmark Index.
- Enter the percentage of the index a voyage is benchmarked against under Percent.
Note: Defaults to 100%.
- Enter either
- Click Proceed. The time charter calculation will automatically transfer to operations (Booking and Operations) as an Unallocated Voyage (i.e. a planned, and often contracted voyage, that has yet to be assigned a vessel, listed under Booking and Operations > Vessel List Tab > Unallocated).
Note: The voyage status indicator in the Voyage Estimate module changes from solid green to “T with purple background" (also referred to as “TCalc”). Only ONE unallocated voyage can be created at a time. To create additional unallocated voyages copy the estimate and repeat process or go to Booking and Operations > Vessel List > Unallocated dropdown > locate voyage. Use Copy/Move to create applicable number og voyages.
To Create an Unallocated Voyage using Booking and Operations
- Go to Modules > Booking and Operations > Booking and Operations.
- Go to the Voyage Menu > New > Unallocated Voyage.
- A pop-up will open.
- Enter either
- applicable vessel to create an unallocated voyage for under Vessel or
- click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of input values will open. Select vessel and click OK.
- Select applicable voyage trade and port calls.
Example: - Click Create Voyage.
- The new unallocated voyage will automatically be listed Booking and Operations > Vessel List Tab > Unallocated > applicable vessel.
Note: Only ONE unallocated voyage can be created at a time.
To Generate Unallocated Voyages Based on Scheduled Budget Voyages in Booking and Operations
- Go to Modules > Booking and Operations > Booking and Operations.
- Choose the applicable Budget Version in the Vessel List tab.
- Locate the voyage to generate an unallocated voyage/s from - its details will display.
- Click the Scheduled Voyages tab. All (if any) scheduled voyage/s (allocated and unallocated) will display.
- If voyages are to be generated go to Step 5a. If not, go to Step 6.
- Either
- click Add Voyage to add a single blank scheduled voyage to the Scheduled Voyages tab or
- click Auto Schedule... to schedule voyage/s with an endpoint or or with fixed intervals:
- Fill in the fields as follows (as applicable):
- If Schedule with fixed endpoints:
- Enter the start date under From Date:.
- Enter the end date under To Date:.
- Enter the number of voyages to be created under Number of Voyages:
- Enter the number of laycan days under LayCan Spread:.
- If Schedule with fixed intervals:
- Enter the start date under From Date:.
- Enter the number of voyages to be created under Number of Voyages:
- Select the number of interval months from the drop-down menu under Inverval.
- Enter the number of interval days under Interval.
- Enter the number of laycan days under LayCan Spread:.
- If Schedule with fixed endpoints:
- Click Generate. Once generated, a pop-up opens advising the number of generated voyages. Click OK. The number of generated voyages with laycan dates will be added as rows in the Scheduled Voyages tab.
- Locate the voyage to create unallocated voyages from.
- Click Create Unallocated Voyages.
Example: - A pop-up opens requesting confirmation to create unallocated voyage/s. Click Yes.
- Once generated, a pop-up opens advising the number of generated voyages. Click OK.
- The new voyages will display as copies of the voayge it/they were based on, with laycan (if entered) but without allocated vessel.
IMPORTANT: If the selected "base-voyage" has for example six scheduled voyages of which two are allocated, the VMS will NOT create unallocted voyges based on the two allocated, but base new unallocated voyages on existing ones.
Example: - Once all unallocated voyages are created a coonfirmation window will open.
Note: lagar en kopi - fdgfdgfgd Ha med on en del readan allocated wioll not be copied as unalloccated. Bara de som øer unnall will be "created" ex. om det finns 6 resaor varav 4 ær unall och 2 ær al, endast 4 nya unall will be created in the Unallocated section.
How to Create an Unallocated Voyage using the COA Planner
- Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner.
Ni lager era modellkalkyleri COA Planner i VMS och blir tillgängliga i COA PLanner och i B&O under Budget reise. Så var gång en model reise skapas i COA Plannern (COA Planner -resise) skapas samma under Budget som en Budget resa i B&O.
As a User, I want to set the Budget Version when I add a voyage to the COA Planner, so that the voyage appears as a budget voyage in Booking and Operations