Voyage Management System (Web) 4.1


  • [VMSWEB-442] - As a User, I want a single settings page to access all module settings, so that I can change settings easily 
  • [VMSWEB-430] - As a User, I want to be able to view the most important particulars of any vessel, so that I can use it in my daily work
  • [VMSWEB-429] - As an Operator, I want to be able to filter and sort vessels, so that I can quickly find the vessel I need 
  • [VMSWEB-224] - As a Charterer, I want to be able to access all my voyage estimates, so that I can work efficiently both on mobile and desktop 
  • [VMSWEB-222] - As a Charterer, I want to be able to sort the list of estimates, so that I can quickly find the estimate I want to work with 
  • [VMSWEB-220] - As a Charterer, I want to be able to filter the list of estimates, so that I can quickly find the estimate I want to work with 
  • [VMSWEB-187] - As a Charterer, I want a single workspace to access all my VMS features, so that I can work efficiently and save timeÂ