Short Description
Chapter Contents:
Long Description
Supported Methods
GET /BusinessUnit
Get a list of BusinessUnit objects. Filter to avoid huge amounts of data (see Filtering for search parameters).
GET /BusinessUnit/{key}
Get a single BusinessUnit object.
POST /BusinessUnit
Insert a new BusinessUnit object.
PUT /BusinessUnit/{key}
Update an existing BusinessUnit. Unchanged properties need not be updated.
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description | Comments |
codeProperty | String | ||||
voyageCurrency | /Currency | ||||
businessUnitName | String | 40 | Yes | ||
businessUnitCode | String | 8 | Yes | ||
businessUnitLink | /BusinessUnit | ||||
companies | Array of /Company | Available from version 6.20 |
Response Body Example
Updated for API version 2.0.0 using the new required date format yyyy-dd-MMThh:mi:ss to conform ISO 8601, (prior version has date format: yyyy-dd-MM hh:mi:ss)
{ "key": 1063502, "self": "http://localhost:8080/ws/rest/BusinessUnit/1063502", "codeProperty": "businessUnitCode", "createdDate": "2012-09-07T13:15:42", "modifiedDate": "2013-04-19T13:13:06", "voyageCurrency": { "currencyCode": "EUR", "currencyName": "Euro", "key": 400008, "self": "http://localhost:8080/ws/rest/Currency/400008" }, "businessUnitName": "Baltic", "businessUnitCode": "BALTIC", "businessUnitLink": null, "remarks": [] }