Disable DEP in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008
Dataloy VMS crashes randomly on Windows 7/Windows Server 2008, but especially during startup or when when opening the Dataloy Distance Table (DDT) module. The error tends to happen mainly in ieEmbed.exe or rtutils.dll. What causes it and how can this be prevented/fixed?
If DEP (Data Execution Protection) in Windows is enabled, it will interfere with Java Garbage Collection if starting during a call to native code. These calls can typically happen when getting a network connection and when opening the browser module. To prevent the issue java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe must be excluded from the DEP.
To exclude java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe from DEP:
- Click Start on your PC.
- Locate and right-click Computer.
- Select Properties.
- In the Properties field select Advanced Systems Settings.
- Go to Performance and click Settings.
- Select the Data Execution Prevention tab.
Click Add...
Add one at a time the files:
Note: File location: Java Installation Directory (may sometimes be located in WINDOWS/SYSTEM32).jave.exe javaw.exe javaws.exe
- Click OK.
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