Autopost Invoices
When inserting data that in the end will result in an account payable, you might want to post the invoice directly. This can be done with a couple of API calls.
Generate Invoice Lines
To generate invoice lines you need to know the key of the voyage that your data relates to. If you dont have the voyage key already you need to get it from the API either by getting it at an earlier stage in your integration or with a separate call in this stage. If you for instance already have the port call key you can get the voyage key by doing a GET request on PortCall.
To generate invoice lines post the below request, where key is the voyage key. For multiple voyages, add multiple keys.
POST /ws/rest/Document/refreshDocumentLines?key=123&key=456&isAccountsPayable=true
Body: empty
Then get the new invoice lines, called document lines in the API
GET /ws/rest/DocumentLine?filter=voyage(IN)(123,456)&filter=document(NULL)
Get invoice defaults (optional)
The below endpoint will give you data that can be used when assembling the invoice. Like bank account, issuing company and so on. If you already have the data you can skip this step.
POST /ws/rest/Document/invoiceDefaults
Header: disablebl = true
{"documentLines":[{"key":111},{"key":222}], "invoicingStatus": "PEN"}
Assemble invoice
Assemble the invoice with this request
Mandatory fields: documentText, documentDate, issuingCompany, invoicingStatus, bankAccount, baseLineDate, baseLineTerms, dueDate, paymentTerms and percentage.
If payment terms percentage is 100%, there should only be one entry in documentPaymentTerms
BaseLineTerm is customer specific and needs to be agreed with customer. The baseline terms can be found at /ws/rest/BaselineTerm
PaymentTerms is customer specific and needs to be agreed with customer. The payment terms can be found at /ws/rest/PaymentTerms
The request will return the new invoice, called Document in the API. Keep the Document key to post the document in next step.
Post invoice
The final request will set the status to ready for posting which will cause accounting integrations to pick up the invoice and transfer it to accounting. The Document key is returned the assemble response in previous step.