Getting the Port Cost Estimates with PortPoint DA Desk System Integration

Getting the Port Cost Estimates with PortPoint DA Desk System Integration

Dataloy has an automated integration with the DA Desk PortPoint functionality.


  1. Open the Booking and Operations Module

  2. Select the vessel and voyage and port call.

  3. Right click to bring up a menu and select PortPoint from the list.

  4. The user is then redirected to login to the PortPoint application.

  5. Enter login details. For DA-Desk Application Users: If PortPoint access is active for DA-Desk users then user can access PortPoint using the App Switch icon (right-hand side corner) to switch from DA-Desk to PortPoint, or alternatively, they can login to PortPoint (https://new.portpoint.com) separately, using their DA-Desk credential.

  6. Login details are saved on first login so you are not required to login each time.

  7. Once logged in, remove filters from top dialogue box.

  8. PortCosts: provides the port cost estimate and allows you to filter by vessel type, DWT and commodity to get a more accurate figure Type the Port name and suggestions will appear.

  9. Narrow down the search by selecting the appropriate Vessel DWT range and Activity from the filter option. What you see is now the ‘Bestimate’ for the selected Port, DWT range and Activity.

  10. For further help regarding use of the PortPoint application please click on the tools icon in  the top right hand corner of the screen and select help from the drop down menu.


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