COA Planner

COA Planner

Short Description

The COA Planner module enables users to lay out planned Contract of Affreightment (COA) liftings (or scheduled voyages) with for example lay/cans, target dates and planned vessels to be nominated.

Scheduling voyages requires the prior existence of both a COA (defined in the Contracts of Affreightment (COA) module) and a voyage calculation (Voyage Estimate) in Dataloy VMS. The COA and voyage calculation must be linked, the voyage calculation becoming a model voyage calculation when opened in the COA Planner.

The combination of a voyage model calculation and scheduled liftings (or voyages) enables users to at any time track scheduled voyages that have been lifted (and by which vessel) and any remaining voyages. It can also automatically update forecasts of the Positions Dashboard and it has the ability derive hedge requirements and hedge bunkers against the contract of affreightment (COA). Note: All bunker hedges must first be entered in the Bunker Hedge Contracts module.

A voyage calculation moved to the COA Planner becoming a model voyage is sometimes referred to as “TCalc” as once the move is made the voyage status indicator in Voyage Estimate changes from solid green to “T with purple background". However, voyages labled as Status T are voyages visible in the Booking and Operations under either Actual, Budget or Estimate and are NOT frozen (either because they are budget or estimate OR because they have not been frozen yet OR because they have been un-frozen). They need therefore not first be frozen and then un-frozen to be labled a Status T voyage in the Voyage Estimate module.


Long Description

Schedule a Voyage/s Using the COA Planner

  1. Scheduling voyages using the COA Planner requires the prior existence of both a Contract of Affreightment (COA) and a voyage calculation in Dataloy VMS. There are four options open depending on the availability of a COA and/or voyage calculation.

         a.  If a COA and a Voyage Calculation are Already Entered
         b.  If a COA is Entered but No Voyage Calculation
         c.  If a Voyage Calculation Exists, but No COA
         d.  If Neither a COA is Entered or Voyage Calculation Made

    1. If a COA and a Voyage Calculation are Already Entered:
      1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. 

      2. In the Voyage Estimate window, open the voyage calculation to be used. It's details displays but the COA field will be empty.


      3. Link the COA to the voyage calculation:
        1. Click the Triple Dot Selector next to the COA field in the right-hand field. A pop-up with a list of COAs opens.


        2. Select a COA and click OK.
        3. The pop-up will close and in the COA field (under COA#) populates. The COA number that displays is identical to that entered under COA# in the Contracts of Affreightment (COA) module, Main Terms tab. – i.e. the COA and the voyage calculation have been linked.
      4. Go to the Voyage menu at the top of the screen and from the drop-down menu select Add to COA Planner.

      5. The Freeze Voyage - Check These Values Before Proceeding pop-up opens.

      6. Fill in the fields as follows:
        1. Enter either
          1. the name of the company responsible for the COA under Company Name
          2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of input values opens. Select field and click OK.


        2. The name of the business unit responsible for the COA under Business Unit Name.
        3. Enter the name of the pool responsible for the COA (if applicable) under Pool Name.
        4. Enter applicable trade route under Trade/Pattern.
        5. Enter the name of the person responsible for the COA in the Chartering department under Responsible Charterer.
        6. Enter the name of the person responsible for operating the vessels under the COA under Responsible Operator.
        7. Enter the responsible accountant under Accountant Responsible.
          Note: Defaults to data in Vessel Administration > Internal Data - if entered.
        8. Enter the number of days that compose the demurrage timebar (if any) under Demurrage Timebar.
        9. Enter the event the demurrage timebar to start from under Event.
        10. Enter either
          1. the charter party (CP) date under CP Date
          2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar opens. Select date and click OK.

        11. The Last Voyage for current CP checkbox should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
        12. Enter the vessel earning point under Vessel Earning Point.
          Note: ONLY used to override if the vessel used in the voyage calculation has a different vessel earning point than the intended vessel for the COA.
        13. The Vessel IMO No field displays a vessel's IMO number. It will always be deactivated.
          Note: If a vessel does not have an IMO number an error message will display and an IMO should be set in the Vessel Administration module. The option for disabling freezing a voyage if a vessel does not have an IMO number has been added. This functionality can be enabled/disabled, but is by default disabled. To enable - contact Dataloy Support.
        14. The Internal Relet section should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
          Note: This field will by default be deactivated - it will ONLY activate if the voyage is a time charter (TC) voyage AND the selected business unit in the freeze picture is other than business unit in the time charter (TC) contract.
        15. Enter the index against which voyages performed under a model voyage for a COA will be measured (or benchmarked) under TC Benchmark Index.
        16. Enter the percentage of the index a voyage is benchmerked against under Percent.
          Note: Defaults to 100%.
        17. Enter the fuel oil (FO) index to be used to value bunker prices in future estimations under FO Index.
        18. Enter the +/- price to be added/deducted from the FO index under FO Price Add.
        19. Enter the fuel oil low sulphur (FOLS) index to be used to value bunker prices in future estimations under FO LS Index
        20. Enter the +/- price to be added/deducted from the FO LS index under FO Price Add.
        21. The Payment Terms section should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
          Note: Only to be used in connection with real voyages, not model voyages.
      7. Click Proceed. The pop-up will close and the voyage calculation automatically moves to the COA Planner and appear as a model voyage in the Model Voyage field and under Charterer in the left-hand menu tree (in alphabetical order).
        Note: A voyage calculation moved to the COA Planner becoming a model voyage is sometimes referred to as “TCalc” as once the move is made the voyage status indicator in Voyage Estimate changes from solid green to “T with purple background".
      8. Go to Step 2.
    2. If a COA is Entered but No Voyage Calculation:
      1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate to make a voyage calculation based on the COA.

      2. In the right-hand field, enter the applicable vessel name under Vessel. The vessel’s details displays, but the COA field will be empty.
      3. Click From COA.

      4. A pop-up opens. Select applicable COA combination and click OK.


      5. The pop-up will close. The main COA details and selected combination details retrieved from the Contracts of Affreightment (COA) module automatically populates corresponding fields in Voyage Estimate, including the COA field - i.e. the COA and the voyage calculation have been linked.
      6. Complete the voyage calculation in the Voyage Estimate by entering all details not available in the COA, for example port cost, fuel cost, etc.
      7. Go to the Voyage menu at the top of the screen and from the drop-down menu select Add to COA Planner.

      8. The Freeze Voyage - Check These Values Before Proceeding pop-up opens.

      9. Fill in the fields as follows:
        1. Enter either
          1. the name of the company responsible for the COA under Company Name
          2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of input values opens. Select field and click OK.


        2. The name of the business unit responsible for the COA under Business Unit Name.
        3. Enter the name of the pool responsible for the COA (if applicable) under Pool Name.
        4. Enter applicable trade route under Trade/Pattern.
        5. Enter the name of the person responsible for the COA in the Chartering department under Responsible Charterer.
        6. Enter the name of the person responsible for operating the vessels under the COA under Responsible Operator.
        7. Enter the responsible accountant under Accountant Responsible.
          Note: Defaults to data in Vessel Administration > Internal Data - if entered.
        8. Enter the number of days that compose the demurrage timebar (if any) under Demurrage Timebar.
        9. Enter the event the demurrage timebar to start from under Event.
        10. Enter either
          1. the charter party (CP) date under CP Date
          2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar opens. Select date and click OK.

        11. The Last Voyage for current CP checkbox should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
        12. Enter the vessel earning point under Vessel Earning Point.
          Note: ONLY used to override if the vessel used in the voyage calculation has a different vessel earning point than the intended vessel for tha COA.
        13. The Vessel IMO No field displays a vessel's IMO number. It will always be deactivated.
          Note: If a vessel does not have an IMO number an error message will display and an IMO should be set in the Vessel Administration module (to enable a voyage to be frozen). The option for disabling freezing a voyage if a vessel does not have an IMO number has been added. This functionality can be enabled/disabled, but is by default disabled. To enable - contact Dataloy Support.
        14. The Internal Relet section should for COA planner purposes be left blank
          Note: This field will by default be deactivated - it will ONLY activate if the voyage is a time charter (TC) voyage AND the selected business unit in the freeze picture is other than business unit in the time charter (TC) contract.
        15. Enter the index against which voyages performed under a model voyage for a COA will be measured (or benchmarked) under TC Benchmark Index.
        16. Enter the percentage of the index a voyage is benchmarked against under Percent.
          Note: Defaults to 100%.

        17. Enter the fuel oil (FO) index to be used to value bunker prices in future estimations under FO Index.
        18. Enter the +/- price to be added/deducted from the FO index under FO Price Add.
        19. Enter the fuel oil low sulphur (FOLS) index to be used to value bunker prices in future estimations under FO LS Index
        20. Enter the +/- price to be added/deducted from the FO LS index under FO Price Add.
        21. The Payment Terms section should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
          Note: Only to be used in connection with real voyages, not model voyages.
      10. Click Proceed. The pop-up will close and the voyage calculation automatically moves to the COA Planner and appear as a model voyage in the Model Voyage field and under Charterer in the left-hand menu tree (in alphabetical order).
        Note: A voyage calculation moved to the COA Planner becoming a model voyage is sometimes referred to as “TCalc” as once the move is made the voyage status indicator in Voyage Estimate changes from solid green to “T with purple background".
      11. Go to Step 2.
    3. If a Voyage Calculation Exists, but No COA:
      1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate to create a COA based on the voyage calculation.

      2. Open the voyage calculation to be used. Its details displays but the COA field will be empty.


      3. Go to the Voyage menu at the top of the screen and from the drop-down menu select Add to COA Planner.

      4. The Freeze Voyage - Check These Values Before Proceeding pop-up opens.

      5. Fill in the fields as follows:
        1. Enter either
          1. the name of the company responsible for the COA under Company Name or
          2. click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a list of input values will open. Select field and click OK.


        2. The name of the business unit responsible for the COA under Business Unit Name.
        3. Enter the name of the pool responsible for the COA (if applicable) under Pool Name.
        4. Enter applicable trade route under Trade/Pattern.
        5. Enter the name of the person responsible for the COA in the Chartering department under Responsible Charterer.
        6. Enter the name of the person responsible for operating the vessels under the COA under Responsible Operator.
        7. Enter the responsible accountant under Accountant Responsible.
          Note: Defaults to data in Vessel Administration > Internal Data - if entered.
        8. Enter the number of days that compose the demurrage timebar (if any) under Demurrage Timebar.
        9. Enter the event the demurrage timebar to start from under Event.
        10. Enter either
          1. the charter party (CP) date under CP Date
          2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar opens. Select date and click OK.

        11. The Last Voyage for current CP checkbox should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
        12. Enter the vessel earning point under Vessel Earning Point.
          Note: ONLY used to override if the vessel used in the voyage calculation has a different vessel earning point than the intended vessel for tha COA.
        13. The Vessel IMO No field displays a vessel's IMO number. It will always be deactivated.
          Note: If a vessel does not have an IMO number an error message will display and an IMO should be set in the Vessel Administration module (to enable a voyage to be frozen). The option for disabling freezing a voyage if a vessel does not have an IMO number has been added. This functionality can be enabled/disabled, but is by default disabled. To enable - contact Dataloy Support.
        14. The Internal Relet section should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
          Note: This field will by default be deactivated - it will ONLY activate if the voyage is a time charter (TC) voyage AND the selected business unit in the freeze picture is other than business unit in the time charter (TC) contract.
        15. Enter the index against which voyages performed under a model voyage for a COA will be measured (or benchmarked) under TC Benchmark Index.
        16. Enter the percentage of the index a voyage is benchmerked against under Percent.
          Note: Defaults to 100%.
        17. Enter the fuel oil (FO) index to be used to value bunker prices in future estimations under FO Index.
        18. Enter the +/- price to be added/deducted from the FO index under FO Price Add.
        19. Enter the fuel oil low sulphur (FOLS) index to be used to value bunker prices in future estimations under FO LS Index
        20. Enter the +/- price to be added/deducted from the FO LS index under FO Price Add.
        21. The Payment Terms section should for COA planner purposes be left blank.
          Note: Only to be used in connection with real voyages, not model voyages.
      6. Click Proceed. The pop-up will close and another appear asking for confirmation to create a COA based on the current voyage calculation as no COA exists.
      7.  Click OK. The pop-up will close and the following will occur:
        1. A COA will automatically appear in the Contracts of Affreightment (COA) module under By Charterer in the left-hand menu tree (in alphabetical order). Once opened, the main details of the voyage calculation entered in the Voyage Estimate have automatically populated the corresponding fields of the COA, including the COA# field.
        2. In the Voyage Estimate module the COA field will display the following: “FROM CARGO” and a generated COA number – i.e. the COA and the voyage calculation have been linked.
          Note: A voyage calculation moved to the COA Planner becoming a model voyage is sometimes referred to as “TCalc” as once the move is made the voyage status indicator in Voyage Estimate changes from solid green to “T with purple background".
      8. Go to Step 2.
    4. If Neither a COA is Entered or Voyage Calculation Made:
      1. Either
        1. enter a COA and then make a voyage calculation:
          1. Go to Modules > Contract Management > Contracts of Affreightment.

          2. Enter a COA by following the step-by-step instructions at: Contracts of Affreightment (COA).
          3. Follow Steps 1b i-xi. 
        2. or create a voyage calculation and then a COA:
          1. Go to Modules > Voyage Estimate. 

          2. Enter a voyage calculation in the Voyage Estimate module.
          3. Follow Steps 1c i-viii.

  2. Go to Modules > Contract Management > COA Planner.

  3. The COA Planner tab window opens.The added COA to the COA Planner displays under By Charterer in the left-hand menu tree and the voyage calculation as a model voyage row in the Model Voyages field.


  4. Schedule a voyage or voyages based on a model voyage:
    1. Click the COA to be used in the left-hand menu tree.
    2. Click the model voyage to be used in the Model Voyages field – it will highlight
    3. In the Scheduled Voyages field schedule voyages by entering them either manually or by auto schedule according to parameters:
      1. Manual entry:
        1. Click Add Voyage. A row appears.


        2. Click each row field of the following columns and enter the following data:
          1. Enter either:
            1. the target date under Target Date
            2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar opens. Select date and click OK.

          2. Enter the lay date under Lay Date.
          3. Enter the can date under Can Date.
          4. Check Option to indicate the scheduled voyage is optional.
          5. Select (if applicable) the option status from the drop-down menu under Option Status.
            Note: Only editable if Option is checked.
          6. Enter the name of the vessel planned for the voyage under Vesel Planned.
          7. Vessel Nominated - not editable.
          8. Enter applicable voyage under Voyage Reference.
          9. Actual Start - not editable.
          10. Enter comments (if any) under Comments.
        3. Repeat Step 4a-c i until all voyages to be scheduled are entered.
      2. Auto schedule all voyages according to parameters:
        1. Click Auto Schedule...

        2. The Auto Schedule pop-up opens.

        3. Select parameters. There are two options, schedule with fixed endpoints or with fixed intervals:
          Note: When one is selected, the other will deactivate.
          1. Schedule with fixed endpoints:
            1. Check the Schedule with fixed endpoints radiobutton - it will activate.
              Note: By default this option will be checked.
            2. Enter either
              1. the start date under From Date
              2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar opens. Select date and click OK.
            3. Enter either
              1. the end date under To Date
              2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar opens. Select date and click OK.
            4. Enter the number of voyages to be scheduled under Number of Voyages.
            5. Enter the number of days for lay/can spread under Lay/Can Spread.
            6. Click Generate.
            7. Go to Step 5.
          2. Schedule with fixed intervals:
            1. Check the Schedule with fixed intervals radiobutton – it will activate.
            2. Enter either
              1. the start date under From Date
              2. or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. A pop-up with a calendar opens. Select date and click OK.
            3. Enter the number of voyages to be scheduled under Number of Voyages. 
            4. Select the number of interval months (as applicable) from the drop-down menu and enter (as applicable) the number of interval days under Interval.
            5. Enter the number of days for lay/can spread under Lay/Can Spread.
            6. Click Generate.
            7. Go to Step 5.
  5. A message pop-up opens advising the number of successfully created voyages.


  6. Click OK. Both the Auto Schedule and Message pop-ups will close and all generated scheduled voyages based on the COA and model calculation needed to fulfil the COA displays.



Generate Unallocated Voyages

  1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner tab. The COA Planner tab opens. 
  2. Click the COA to be used in the left-hand menu. The COA model voyages displays as a rows in the Model Voyages field.
    Note: By default the top voyage is selected and its scheduled voyages display in the Scheduled Voyages field.
  3. Click the voyage to create unallocated voyages from - it will highlight.
  4. If voyages are to be generated go to Step 5a. If not, go to Step 6.
  5. Either
    1. click Add Voyage to add a single blank scheduled voyage to the Scheduled Voyages tab
    2. or click Auto Schedule... to schedule voyage/s with an endpoint or or with fixed intervals.

      1. Fill in the fields as follows (as applicable):
        1. If Schedule with fixed endpoints:
          1. Enter the start date under From Date:.
          2. Enter the end date under To Date:.
          3. Enter the number of voyages to be created under Number of Voyages:
          4. Enter the number of laycan days under LayCan Spread:.
        2. If Schedule with fixed intervals:
          1. Enter the start date under From Date:.
          2. Enter the number of voyages to be created under Number of Voyages:
          3. Select the number of interval months from the drop-down menu under Interval.
          4. Enter the number of interval days under Interval.
          5. Enter the number of laycan days under LayCan Spread:.
      2. Click Generate. Once generated, a pop-up opens advising the number of generated voyages.
      3. Click OK. The number of generated voyages with laycan dates will be added as rows in the Scheduled Voyages tab.
  6. Locate and click the voyage to create unallocated voyages from.
  7. Click Create Unallocated Voyages.


  8. A pop-up opens requesting confirmation to create unallocated voyages. Click Yes.
  9. Once generated, a pop-up opens advising the number of generated voyages. Click OK.
  10. The new voyages will display as copies of the voyage it/they were based on - with laycan (if based on a COA, copied from the COA) but without allocated vessel - in the Scheduled Voyages field.
    IMPORTANT: If selected "base-voyage" has both allocated and unallocated voyages scheduled, the VMS will ONLY create new unallocated voyages based on existing unallocated voyages - NOT on the allocted voyages. Generate unallocated voyages are created in the COA Planner, the voyages also automatically appear under Booking and Operations > Applicable Vessel > Unallocated.



Add/Remove a Bunker Hedge to a Scheduled Voyage

  1. Add a Bunker Hedge to a Scheduled Voyage:
    1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner. The COA Planner tab window opens.
    2. Select a scheduled voyage to add a bunker hedge to. Either:
      1. If no voyage has been scheduled:
        1. Follow the step-by-step instructions of the Schedule a voyage/ using the COA Planner, Steps 4-6 section above.
        2. Go to Step 1c.
      2. If a voyage/s has/have been scheduled:
        1. Open applicable COA in the left-hand menu tree and the applicable model voyage in the Model Voyages field. It's scheduled voyages displays.
        2. Click the scheduled voyage to add a bunker hedge to in the Scheduled Voyages field - it will highlight.
        3. Go to Step 1c.
    3. Click Add Bunker Hedge... in the Bunker Hedges Allocated field.


    4. The Bunker Hedge Line pop-up opens displaying all entered bunker hedges in rows.
      Note: All bunker hedges are entered into Dataloy VMS through the Bunker Hedge Contracts module and must be entered here before this section of the COA Planner can be utilised.

    5. Click applicable bunker hedge row - it will highlight.
    6. Click the row field of the Hedged Quantity colmn and enter applicable quantity.
    7. Click OK. The pop-up will close and the selected bunker hedge appears as a row in the Bunker Hedges Allocated field, i.e. the bunker hedge has been linked to the scheduled voyage.

  2. Remove a Bunker Hedge from a Scheduled Voyage:
    1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner. The COA Planner tab window opens.
    2. Open the COA in the left-hand menu tree and the applicable model voyage in the Model Voyages field. It's scheduled voyages displays.
    3. Click the scheduled voyage with the bunker hedge to be removed - it will highlight.
    4. Click the bunker hedge row to be removed - it will highlight.
    5. Click Remove Bunker Hedge. A pop-up opens asking to confirm removal.
    6. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected bunker hedge is removed.


Using Toggle View

  1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner. The COA Planner tab window opens.
  2. Open the COA in the left-hand menu tree and the applicable model voyage in the Model Voyages field. It's scheduled voyages displays.
  3. Click Toggle View.

  4. The scheduled voyages under the opened COA displays to the right in Flat View.
    Note: Flat View will list all scheduled voyages of all the COA's model voyages, while the Scheduled Voyages field will only list those belonging to one model voyage at a time. Also - the data displayed is a merge between the Model Voyages and Schedules Voyages fields.


  5. Review/edit scheduled voyage/s as applicable: Click the row field to be edited and edit.
    Note: Only the following columns can be edited: Pool, Reference, Target Date, Lay Date, Can Date, Option, Option Status (ONLY if Option is checked), Vessel Planned and Comments.
  6. To return to the default COA Planner view - click Toggle View. Any changes made apply.


Edit/Delete a Model Voyage

  1. Edit a Model Voyage:
    1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner. The COA Planner tab window opens.
    2. Open applicable COA in the left-hand menu tree and in the Model Voyages field click the model voyage to be edited - it will highlight.
    3. Either
      1. edit as appropriate the row fields displayed in the COA Planner
      1. or click Edit Estimate. The selected model voyage opens as a voayge calculation in the Voyge Estimate module.
      2. Edit as appropriate the fields displayed and then return to the COA Planner. Any changes made apply.

  2. Remove a Model Voyage:
    1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner. The COA Planner tab window opens.
    2. Click the COA with the model voyage to be removed in the left-hand menu tree. Its fields displays to the right.
    3. Click the model voayge to be removed in the Model Voyages field - it will highlight.
    4. Click Remove Model Voyage. A pop-up opens asking to confirm removal.
    5. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected model voyage is removed.


Edit/Remove a Scheduled Voyage

  1. Edit a Scheduled Voyage:
    1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > COA Planner & Long Short. The COA Planner tab window opens.
    2. Open applicable COA in the left-hand menu tree and in the Model Voyages field click the model voyage with the scheduled voyage to be edited - it will highlight and the scheduled voyages displays in the Scheduled Voyages field.
    3. Click the scheduled voayge to be edited - it will highlight.
    4. Edit as appropriate the fields displayed.
  2. Remove a Scheduled Voyage:
    1. Go to Modules > Contracts Management > Contracts of Affreightment. The Contracts of Affreightment window opens.
    2. Open applicable COA in the left-hand menu tree and in the Model Voyages field click the model voyage with the scheduled voyage to be removed - it will highlight and it's scheduled voyages displays in the Scheduled Voyages field.
    3. Click the scheduled voayge to be removed - it will highlight.
    4. Click Remove Voyage. A pop-up opens asking to confirm removal.
    5. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected scheduled voyage is removed.


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