Dataloy API 3.14.0 Release Notes
4. October 2018
Dataloy presents API 3.14.0
- [DLP-1404] - As API user I want to be able to use the unique code in the arrays
- [DLP-1419] - As API user I want to have an endpoint to get possible vessels of a given voyage so I can plan the fleet
- [DLP-1440] - As API user I want to have access to the Port field portRef, so I can have a better data overview
- [DLP-1406] - Populate FAS cache should deal with no schedulabe voyages
- [DLP-1439] - Moving and allocating voyage does not set the new vessel to Voyage and VoyageHeader
- [DLP-1452] - Not possible delete PortCall
- [DLP-1453] - manageDbActivityList lose DbObjectActivity objects in case in the same transaction the same dataloy object is for instance updated and deleted
- [DLP-1453] - Not possible delete a Voyage without the Vessel
- [DLP-1470] - During voyage deletion run re-schedule only if the voyage belong to he master plan