Dataloy API 3.10.0 Release Notes
26. March 2018
Dataloy presents API 3.10.0
- [DLP-1139] - As an API user I want to check if posted invoices are balanced, so that I safely can delete them before I delete a voyage.
- [DLP-1172] - As an IT architect, I want old webhook notifications to be automatically deleted, to improve performance.
- [DLP-1121] - Nullpointer in SetUpScheduler
- [DLP-1150] - tbl_installattion_type has wrong name, should be tbl_installation_type
- [DLP-1166] - Clean VoyageService class, there is duplicated and not used code
- [DLP-1191] - Add check for changes on a TC to the FAS cache
- [DLP-1132] - SchedulerSetUp should not allow voyages with past portCall dates