Changing the voyage currency of a frozen voyage

Changing the voyage currency of a frozen voyage

It is currently not possible to modify the voyage currency of a voyage while the voyage is frozen.

To modify the voyage currency, one must either:

  • delete and re-enter the entire voyage.*

  • or un-freeze it, disposing of all operational data, then amend the currency and re-freeze it. Recommended by Dataloy, but it will only work for voyages which dont have posted financial documents.

*Pls refer to How to delete a voyage (versions prior to 3.25)or How to delete a voyage with posted financial documents ( version 3.25) for more detailed instructions about deleting voyages.

To modify the voyage currency through the un-freeze/re-freeze method:

  1. Go to Modules > Booking and Operations > Booking and Operations. The Booking and Operations window will open.  

  2. Select applicable vessel. Its details and planned voyage/s will display.

  3. Click the voyage to be un-frozen, it will be highlighted.

  4. Go to the Voyage menu and from the drop-down select Un-freeze.




  5. An Option pop-up window will open.



  6. Click Dispose operational/actual data and click OK. The pop-up will close. The voyage will then become an estimate but without operational data.

  7. In the Voyage List, click the currency field of the voyage under the Currency column to alter the voyage currency.

  8. Enter either

    1. the abbreviation of applicable currency to be used or

    2. click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field to display a list of input values. Select currency and click OK.  

  9. The new currency will display in the currency field of the selected voyage. The new voyage currency will also automatically update in the Voyage Estimate module calculation.

  10. Go to the Voyage Menu and from the drop-down select Freeze....

  11. Freeze voyage pop-up will open informing you that the voyage has been frozen and asking for confirmation.




  12. Click OK. The pop-up will close, the voyage will then be re-frozen with the new voyage currency updated and applied throughout the VMS.


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