Planned/Unplanned Offhire

Planned/Unplanned Offhire

Short Description

Offhire is the period during which a vessel is not available for trading due to for example dry docking, repair, maintenance, breakdown, etc. There are two types of offhire – planned and unplanned offhire.

The Planned Offhire dialog box is where users can specify the planned downtime of vessels in detail, for example expected dry docking, repairs, etc. The Unplanned Offhire is less detailed and is used for specifying unplanned downtime levels of vessels, for example “one day unplanned downtime to be expected during one year”.

Chapter Contents:

Long Description

Enter Planned/Unplanned Offire

  1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Vessel Administration. The Vessel Administration window opens.
  2. Click vessel in the left-hand menu tree. Its fields appears to the right.
  3. The Planned Offhire and Unplanned Offhire buttons are by default deactivated.
    1. Activate buttons: fill in the Internal Data tab - go to the Internal Data page and follow the step-by-step instructions.
    2. If the buttons are active - go to Step 4.


  4. Add a
    1. planned offhire either
      1. create a new offhire:
        1. Click Planned Offhire. The Planned Offhire dialog box opens.
        2. Click Create New. The following display:


        3. In the Offhire Details tab, fill in the fields as follows:
          Note: The newly created offhire row in the upper field will automatically populate as the lower field is populated.
          1. The vessel name displays under Vessel.
            Note: Always deactivated.

          2. Applicable voyage reference displays under Voyage.
            Note: Always deactivated.

          3. Enter either the port where the vessel will be (first field) and and then enter the number of offhire days (second field) under Port.
            Note: To select port: Either type port name or click the Triple Dot Selector next to the field. Select port from the pop-up that opens and click OK.


          4. Enter the reason for offhire under Reason for Offhire.

          5. Check Planned to indicate that the offhire is planned.
          6. In the Days field:

            1. Enter the offhire start date under Offhire Start Date.
            2. Enter the offhire end date under Offhire End Date.
            3. The total number of offhire days will automatically display in days (first field) and in per cent (second field) under Offhire Days.

          7. In the Reslut Impact field - check boxes as applicable.:
            1. Check Deduct Offhire & Bunkers from Hire Income to indicate offhire and bunkers are to be deducted from hire income.
            2. Check Deduct Offhire & Bunkers from Hire Payable to indicate offhire and bunkers are to be deducted from hire payable.
            3. Check Adjust TCE to Include Offhire to indicate that the time charter equivalent (TCE) is to be adjusted to include offhire.

          8. In the Bunker Consumption (Charterer) field (as applicable):
            Note: Depending on which checkbox in the Result Impact panel is selected the Bunker Consumption section will activate/deactivate, allowing for complete separation of bunkers.
            1. Enter the fuel oil consumption under FO (Fuel Oil).
            2. Enter the fuel oil price under Price (beside FO).
            3. Enter the diesel oil consumption under DO (Diesel Oil).
            4. Enter the diesel oil price under Price (beside DO).
            5. Enter the low sulphur fuel oil consumption under FO (Low Sulphur) (Fuel Oil Low Sulphur).
            6. Enter the low sulphur fuel oil price under Price (beside FO (Low Sulphur)).
            7. Enter the low sulphur diesel oil consumption under DO (Low Sulphur) (Diesel Oil Low Sulphur).
            8. Enter the low sulphur diesel oil price under Price (beside DO (Low Sulphur)).

          9. In the Bunker Consumption (Owner) field (as applicable):
            Note: Depending on which checkbox in the Result Impact panel is selected the Bunker Consumption section will activate/deactivate, allowing for complete separation of bunkers.
            1. Enter the fuel oil consumption under FO (Fuel Oil).
            2. Enter the fuel oil price under Price (beside FO).
            3. Enter the diesel oil consumption under DO (Diesel Oil).
            4. Enter the diesel oil price under Price (beside DO).
            5. Enter the low sulphur fuel oil consumption under FO (Low Sulphur) (Fuel Oil Low Sulphur).
            6. Enter the low sulphur fuel oil price under Price (beside FO (Low Sulphur)).
            7. Enter the low sulphur diesel oil consumption under DO (Low Sulphur) (Diesel Oil Low Sulphur).
            8. Enter the low sulphur diesel oil price under Price (beside DO (Low Sulphur)).

        4. Enter applicable comment (if any) under Comment.
        5. Click Close. The dialogue box will close and the Planned Offhire is saved as a row in the dialog box.
          Note: The newly created offhire row in the upper field will automatically populate as the lower filed is populated.

      2. or duplicate an existing planned offhire:
        Note: Can only apply if the offhire is for the same vessel and voyage as the one it is based on.
        1. Click Planned Offhire. The Planned Offhire dialogue box opens.
        2. Click Duplicate.
        3. A new offhire row displays in the upper field of the Planned Offhire dialogue box containing the same data as the planned offhire it was copied from.
        4. Edit the data as applicable as per To enter planned/unplanned offire, Steps 4 3-5.

      3. or remove an actual offhire from a selected voyage and enter it as a planned offhire for a vessel:
        Note: Can only apply if the offhire is for the same vessel.
        1. Click Planned Offhire. The Planned Offhire dialogue box opens.
        2. Click From Actual....
        3. The From Actual... pop-up opens.
        4. Select (click) the actual offhire to base the planned offhire on - it will highlight.
        5. Click OK.
        6. The pop-up will close and a new offhire row displays in the upper field of the Planned Offhire dialogue box containing the same data as the actual offhire.
        7. Edit the data as applicable as per To enter planned/unplanned offire, Steps 4 3-5.

    2. add an unplanned offhire:
      1. Click Unplanned Offhire. The Planned Offhire dialog box opens.
      2. Click Create New. The following displays:

      3. Click the row fields to be edited in the highlighted row and enter data as appropriate:
      4. Enter the date the unplanned offhire is from under From Date.
      5. Enter the date the unplanned offhire is to under To Date.
      6. The total number of unplanned offhire days automatically displays in days under Days.
      7. Click Close. The dialogue box will close and the Unplanned Offhire is saved as a row in the dialog box.

Edit a Planned/Unplanned Offhire

  1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Vessel Administration. The Vessel Administration window opens.
  2. Open the dialogue box with the offhire (Planned Offhire.../Unplanned Offhire...) to be edited.
  3. Applicable dialogue box opens.
  4. In applicable dialogue box's upper field select the offhire row to be edit - it will highlight - and edit.
  5. Click Close.

Remove a Planned/Unplanned Offhire

  1. Go to Modules > Master Data > Vessel Administration. The Vessel Administration window opens.
  2. Open the dialogue box with the offhire (Planned Offhire.../Unplanned Offhire...) to be removed.
  3. Applicable dialogue box opens.
  4. In applicable dialogue box's upper field select the offhire row to be deleted - it will highlight.
  5. Click Remove. A pop-up opens asking to confirm deletion.
  6. Click Yes. The pop-up will close and the selected row delete.


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