Reversing Offhire Invoice?

Reversing Offhire Invoice?


How can an offhire invoice be reversed and at the same time issue a new invoice without reversing any other invoices having been issued since the offhire appeared? (I.e only reversing the offhire invoice).


The offhire can be reversed without reversing other invoices by following the below instructions.

To reverse:

  1. Go to Modules > Booking and Operations.
  2. In the Booking and Operations module, select the voyage of the offhire invoice to be reversed from the By Vessel list. The voyage's details will display.
  3. Click Offhire in theToolbar. The Offhire dialogue box will open.
  4. Select applicable offhire in the upper field. Its details will display in the lower field.
  5. In the Days field of Offhire details tab, set either Offhire Days or % (percentage) of the offhire to 0 (zero). IMPORTANT: DO NOT change the dates.
  6. Click Close. The Offhire dialogue box will close and the system automatically update.
  7. Go to the Hire Payable module. Either
    1. Modules menu > Hire Payable or
    2. in the Toolbar click Invoicing > Hire Payable.
  8. The Hire Payable module will open in a separate tab. Under Pending a new line will display stating the reverse amount stated on the offhire invoice.
  9. Post the line with the reverse offhire amount to applicable accounting system and the offhire will be removed from the Statement of Account (SoA).