Excessive hire days appear in hire payable pending view

Excessive hire days appear in hire payable pending view


When creating the Final hire statement, hire for next hire payment cycle days appear instead of only upto redelivery date.


This occurs when the Last Voyage for Current CP is not checked.

To rectify:
  1. Go to Booking and Operations > select applicable vessel > select applicable voyage in the Voyage tab.
  2. Click Details in the toolbar.
  3. Check Last Voyage for Current CP and click Close.
  4. The Pending hire in Hire Payable will not extend the end date (or redelivery date) of the final voyage but produce the number of days for the final hire invoice
    • Profit or loss related to all bunker types will be calculated using the ROB of the last port and the difference (if any) between the CP price and the actual bunkers cost. The profit or loss will only affect the final voyage.
    • ILOHC indicated in the contract will be applied as a cost to the final voyage.

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