No Charter Parties (CPs) Show in Laytime Calculations Module
No Charter Parties (CPs) Show in Laytime Calculations Module
When opening the Laytime Calculations module for a particular voyage, the screen opens empty without records. Why and how can this be recified?
Laytime calculations can only be performed on cargoes of frozen (or actual) voyage charter (VC) voyages and only if the cargo/es involved have a minimum of one charter party. No laytime calculation can be performed on estimates. If the Laytime Calculations module displays no records or data for a particular voyage it is either an estimate or a voyage without any charter party (CP) attached to it.
To create one or more charter party (CP):
- Ensure that the voyage is an actual voyage and not an estimate.
- If the voyage is an estimate - freeze the voyage by following the step-by-step instructions: Turn a Voyage Charter calculation into an Actual Voyage.
- Once the voyage is frozen - Go to Modules > Booking and Operations > Booking and Operations. The Booking and Operations window will open.
- Click applicable vessel in the By Vessel Tab (left-hand field) - it will highlight - it's details display will display in the right-hand and lower fields.
- Click applicable voyage in the Voyage List tab - it will highlight and its details display.
- Click the Cargo List tab - its details will display.
- Click applicable cargo - it will highlight.
- Either
- click Create CP in the toolbar or
- right-click the cargo and from the drop-down menu select Create CP.
- A charter party will be created and the data available in the Laytime Calculations module.
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