Default Bank Account Shows Incorrect or is Missing when Invoicing

Default Bank Account Shows Incorrect or is Missing when Invoicing


The correct bank account/s of a business partner does not appear by default when an invoice is assembled and/or incorrect business partner bank details are stated on the assembled innvoice/Statement of Account (SOA). How come and how can this be rectified?


If no bank account details appears by default when assembling an invoice/SOA or the incorrect bank account details appears the correct details have not been linked to the business partner and/or the proper default settings not set. Also, if the wrong bank style is stated on an invoice/SOA, the invoice has been posted with the wrong bank account. To recitfy, the correct bank details must be linked to the business partner.

To link bank account and business partner:
  1. If applicable bank/bank account is not already in the VMS, go to Modules > Master Data > General Master Data Administration > Banking.
  2. In the Dataloy VMS Knowledge Base, follow the step-by step instructions for Banks and Bank Accounts.
  3. Go to Modules > Master Data > General Master Data Administration > Business Partners.
  4. Select applicable business partner from the tree in the left-hand field. Its details will display to the right.
  5. In the Dataloy VMS Knowledge Base, follow the step-by step instructions for Business Parners, Step 10.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: For time charter (TC) in or out the Owner's/Charterer's Bank Account can be entered directly on the TC Contract screen > Invoice Parameters.