Unable to Launch Application (Look and Feel)


After upgrading the VMS to version 3.19 (or later) an application error occurs when attempting to launch the VMS on a Windows PC. The Application Error pop-up opens stating that the VMS cannot be opened and when clicking Details the error information provided will complain about a Look and Feel.

Example 1:

Example 2:




This error occurs if certain Look & Feel entries are stored in the user's computer registry. These entries are not always compatible with version 3.19 (or later).

To remove the Look and Feel entries:
  1. Open the registry with the regedit command.
  2. Search for and locate dataloy (HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - JavaSoft - Prefs - com - dataloy - client - gui).
  3. Locate the key/entry named L/F or L&F (Short for Look & Feel).
  4. Delete the L/F or L&F entry.
  5. Relaunch Dataloy VMS.